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  1. W

    just had a complaint!

    U guys talk as if the neighbours are in the wrong.... I would be pretty annoyed too! I would def call the cops on ya also..... ride it on a track or in the bush... or dont have one at all FFS
  2. W


    SO the real problem is the kids...... If there where no kids here it would be fine.... ban the under 18's I say
  3. W


    Fair point.
  4. W

    another vid of me and the boy up the bush

    lol What knida bike is he on.. looks like a 2 stroke.
  5. W

    Power to the Forest

    I hope u guys appreciate how good u have it. When I was younger I used to do this kinda **** and now that im older i always think about it. Best time of your life... then u get a job and a GF and its all down hill lol Top effort catching the yabbie (or is it a fresh water cray?).... Ya lucky...
  6. W

    G'day my names david and i

    ^^^^^ Unless the police air wing is in the area lol
  7. W

    what type of pitbike for a learner rider

    A cheap one! pitpro 140 seems to be the best bang for buck these days. but yeah, what Mittz said
  8. W


    Hey mate, I got a challenge for you. Go over to and sign upto the forum and say the F word.... I guarantee you wont get banned! I swear in almost all my posts and have never even had a warning... as does everyone else..... and its easly the best forum environment I know of...
  9. W


    lol @ replys If your going to ban someone for swearing at least do it straight away, dont wait days or wks... sheeesh.. I dont even know which post it was that i swore in hahaha... I know a called a moderator a pr*ck... but he was being an a**.... lol
  10. W


    Whats with the mods around here? I was banned for swearing.... what like 2 wks ago? If your gonna ban ppl for swearing could you at least do it within the day and not weeks later! :rolleyes: Anyone else had this problem? KTHKBYE
  11. W

    bundy minimotard

    lol @ cameraman! U where chopping ppl around the outside and he was filming grass lmao That track looks freakin good to.
  12. W

    Engine problems

    Nah man, I reckon it will be ok. Mine was blowing white smoke for a few tanks, more so when I was going up hills/under load. Just give the motor a chance to bed in proper. Worst case it will blow smoke and u goto top the oil up every few rides.. no big deal rly. But I reckon u will be sweet...
  13. W

    my 5 year old boy ripping it up in the backyard

    Just dont go yelling at him when hes 17 and wants a road bike haha
  14. W

    Pro Tapers for KLX style frames

    lol Shops love guys like you...
  15. W

    Bundy mini motard

    Sweet, cant wait to see it! Post it vids section yeah :)
  16. W

    setting up pitpro 125 for motard

    You dont rly have to do anything.... wheels and ur set.... but if ur actually going to race competitively then u have to do a bit of stuff... besides safety gear you must: Drill a hole through the sump plug bolt and wire it onto the bike so it doesnt come loose Fit bar ends. Or alternatively fit...
  17. W

    my 5 year old boy ripping it up in the backyard

    First off.. I would be sooooo ****** if u where my neighbor with those bikes! Second.... 5 you say? Thats a top effort. My 5 yr old niece cant even ride a push bike without training wheels. oh, and cut your damn grass lol
  18. W

    Engine problems

    Yeah, both my chinas did this with the first couple of tanks of fuel. No probs since. If it still does after a few tanks of fuel you may have to put up with it until the motor dies
  19. W

    Squeebies hits the tyre wall, walks away.

    Asking for trouble @ that track. Glad your ok mate.
  20. W

    Bundy mini motard

    Down here the rules state it must be a 125cc chinese engine.. which is good, cause I dont wanna race against you lol