just had a complaint!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2006
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one of the neighbours just came over and complained about me riding my 140 in the backyard.

i dont think its above the limit.

does anyone know if it is?
i always ride in my yard, never had a probelm. Depends on how far your neighbours are willing to take it. if the call the cops they'll proboably just tell you to stop cause its causing a disturbance, i dunno if its illegal though, you should check it out at your local council because sound restrictions vary in different areas for different times of the day...
do you reckon it is over the limit though?
im thinking about just keep riding it , f*&k em
I'm waiting for the police to come next time because this old retard next door rings the police if I ride the 50 for over 10 minutes, so my mum rang the cops and they are going to "assess" the noise
Man I had 3 bikes goin round the backyard and a keg of beer a few years ago we were havin a ball and the racing was getting more vicious as the beer flowed:D ....

the first thing I knew about cops was one was standin in front of me lol


I was a bit pissy and had a decible meter on my phone and inquired as to the levels allowed ..... he told me that officers now have the discretion to judge the levels themselves ...and if I as much as kicked it over in the next 28 days it'd cost 1500:eek:

oh ok
what can the cops do ?
like if the people who complained call them?

if they come "assess " the noise and its over what will they do?
Shut you down ... aN ban ya makin noise for 28 days

Best way I reckon to deal with this is do LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of quick 5min squirts ..

that'll give em just long enough to ring ... but when the cops get there you're bike is in the shed LOL

Trust me the cops will be over him LIKE an aeroplane if he keeps gettin em out there for NOTHING ;)
funny thing that i was riden out the back of my place last week n the bitch nextdoor started taken photos of me so i rode rite up to her n asked her if she wanted me to smile for the pic then i put the bike away n guess who came knocking the boys in blue i just didnt open the door to em when they went i moved my my bikes i hope they come back again i read on hear a while back the pigs can take ya bike if the if they have a witness that saw u riden anyone no about that law????
i read on hear a while back the pigs can take ya bike if the if they have a witness that saw u riden anyone no about that law????

Yeah I remember somethin about that ...... however I'd like to add

They can pry it outta my cold dead hands :D
Move into the hills, away from civilization, ive got a track in my backyard, no one complains, all the niegbours are too far away to get pissed off. Most people around here ride anyway.
Easy fix is to buy/make a silencer to stick in the end of the Exhaust when you ride in the yard.There are some on ebay that you can get,my mate copied one of them and milled it up at work and it definitely makes it quieter.It still can be heard make no bones about it but it is alot quieter and actually cleans up the note a bit as in the case of my mates bike which sounded like a wet fart before we fitted it up yesterday and we reckon actually improved the performance of his bike(at least on the tight track) a bit by giving it a bit of back pressure.
If you've got a bike which already has a decent baffle then it should quieten it down heaps,I'll let yous know once mine gets made up and see how it quietens down the xr,hopefully enough to make some jump sessions under lights a possibillity.The neighbours to our track are far enough away not to be bothered during the day and hopefully this might make it far enough at night too.
But it sucks that you can't even ride in the privacy of your own backyard without the cops rocking up,used to be able to make pretty much all the noise you wanted when I was a kid as long as it was before dark pretty much and no-one cared.Hell we used to ride up and down the street and no-one was bothered,not even the copper who lived at the end of our court.
if it was after 9 o'clock you should be fine. thats stupid. are they old people??? cos they get pissed off at anything. you should try to make a deal with them like so that you can ride around for a set amount of time a day. and if they dont let you do that just complian when they have any loud music lawn mowers etc.
l0l a 60 year old granny listening to HEAVY METAL AT 9AM IN THE MORNING LOL
my back yard is only just big enough to get into second anyway so i pretty much only ride at home to test my bike before i go out to a track or whatever, but still iv never had any complaints and i 'test' my bike pretty often
well i ride mine around the back yard, no-one cares, and the cool thing is me neighbor behind me has a lil 50 too:D

i spoze having a quite little pipe for my bike helps a bit too
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U guys talk as if the neighbours are in the wrong.... I would be pretty annoyed too! I would def call the cops on ya also..... ride it on a track or in the bush... or dont have one at all FFS
Maybe if the neighbour talked to them first before calling the cops people wouldnt get as agro about it
Worm, I don't think any of these guys are holding mini sx in their yards or anything its just a little pre-ride or post-wash test most of the time I reckon.lol.
Personally I can't get out of first in my yard so usually I just start it and listen to the sweet noise for 5mins or so to "test" it.

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