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  1. JasonP

    09 150cc Braaap Maestro

    Hey everyone just bought a Brand new 09 Braaap 150cc Maestro today and cant wait till it arrives tomorrow!! pitty ill be at school then work so wont be able to ride it till the day after but will be in the shed after work tighening up all the bolts etc.!!! Also got Monster energy pants and...
  2. JasonP

    Atomik Prox 140cc 2007

    Hey i have had my ProX for bout 1-2 weeks not nd its fine onlything is im lookin for a new chain the 1 i have keeps stretchin
  3. JasonP

    How long dose it take

    Oh ok cheers Sabertooth ill try gettin a new carbie, I THUMP i ment it dosnt sound like its been ridin in enough yet cause its brand new it still dose little back fires nd stuff but apart from tht its ok
  4. JasonP

    How long dose it take

    Mkay nd how or were do i get that done
  5. JasonP

    How long dose it take

    Hey iv had my new bike Atomik ProX 140cc for a few days now and iv rode it for about 6-7hours but its still not at top level performance how long do they usally take to ride in?
  6. JasonP

    Need help

    Oh ok then thanx for that :)
  7. JasonP

    Need help

    Yea i got the Pitch number so do i have to get a D.I.D or an RK chain with the same pitch number ?
  8. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    I went riding again about 5 minutes ago up through the hills were they are logging and got a few frghts first i came flying around a corner when a big log truck was flyng round the same corner 2nd i almost ran over a 2meter tiger snake and third i almost lost it going round a corner to fast so i...
  9. JasonP

    Need help

    Hey everyone i juts got a new bike Atomik ProX 140cc and have been riding it a few days herd that the stock chains and plugs are crap so i got a new NGK plug but i dont know what type of chain to get my stock chain has 53 links in it and i was looking at getting this chain D.I.D 428...
  10. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Ahhh i dunno how to post pics?
  11. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Hey i have the pics of my bike i just dont know how to post them can any1 help ?
  12. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    YES lol it turned out alright after all my uncle came and picked up my ike today and is comin back with another at about 5:00pm ths 1s stll a 140cc but its got a bigger motor so should be great ill keep u all up dated and as soon as i get it ill take some pics and post em up
  13. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Ohh forgot to say it turned out to be a 140cc yay lol and my cousin has asked me if i wonted to go riding all up the forestry with him :0
  14. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Man im not dumb i had the fuel on, Kill switch was on run choke was on everything was rght and t would turn over but just wouldnt fire i tried roll starting it it would start but if u gave it any throttle or held in the clutch it died so i dunno but my cousin will take a look for me he knows...
  15. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    MK i got some Pics of the bike ill post em up soon
  16. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

  17. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    I just got my ProX 140cc to day and it was brand new never had a tank of fuel or nothin even the plastc seat cover was still on so i filled her up put in some new oil and kicked it over about 200 times untill i relised it wasnt going to start i tryed every thing read the manual about 4 times...
  18. JasonP

    Atomik Prox 140cc 2007

    I just got my ProX 140cc to day and it was brand new never had a tank of fuel or nothin even the plastc seat cover was still on so i filled her up put in some new oil and kicked it over about 200 times untill i relised it wasnt going to start i tryed every thing read the manual about 4 times...
  19. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

  20. JasonP

    First time out on my Atomik ProX 125cc

    Im gettin a ProX for free on 9th of jan