How long dose it take

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
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Hey iv had my new bike Atomik ProX 140cc for a few days now and iv rode it for about 6-7hours but its still not at top level performance how long do they usally take to ride in?
running it in wont make the performance better

needs a tune
I got my proX late last year and found that from new the carb was not good, one of the first things I did was to get a OKO 26mm carb this improved the bike noticably I also use a 16 tooth front sprocket. hope this helps

Oh ok cheers Sabertooth ill try gettin a new carbie, I THUMP i ment it dosnt sound like its been ridin in enough yet cause its brand new it still dose little back fires nd stuff but apart from tht its ok
dude all 4 strokes do little backfires its just how they are and sound

if youve rode it for 7 hours that deffinently run in i did my for about 2 hours at the most then just gave it a flogging
I should have asked before have you changed the oil from the SH!T that atomic call oil? it is realy bad (more like dish washing liquid than oil) get a good quality mineral oil for it (local bike shop)

Engines do need to be run in to achieve their best performance. Rings and bearings need to bed/wear in
once you go through a tank of fuel its pretty much run in. once its run in you can really flog it if you want to and make it go real hard on a track and through trails.
I have had a few lifan motors and I thrash them straight out of the box. I flush the ****** oil out first with cheap mineral oil. There is no need to spend alot of $$$ on oil for chinga engines, because its cheap u can afford to change it more regularly and completly flush out old oil. I still have 2yo chinga bikes that have been thrashed from day 1 and they still run very well and dont miss a beat.
So in my opinion with chingas- once there warm there run in

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