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  1. numroe

    Is There somewhere to service bike in SYD

    Yep, most bike shops hates china bikes. I think they see them as counter productive to their industry and future income. Small minded thinking or maybe they are right. I think they are a great thing, but who cares. You'll just have to ring around, or learn to do it yourself, or just replace...
  2. numroe

    What to cover when cleaning?

    Hey I'm no friggin greeny. :) If the govnmt could keep our economy thriving (like the Libs did) then I think 90% of problems are solved - including looking after the environment. IMO, poor country = enviro comes last. Stupid politicians don't do much for the enviro either. Consider NSW labour...
  3. numroe

    What to cover when cleaning?

    If riding again the next day, I just blast off the major crud on the rims, tyres, under the guards and under the engine. So the bike weighs a kilo or ten lighter the next day. If storing for a week or more then much the same for me as the other posters. But I take my airfilter off. Actually...
  4. numroe

    OKO 26 flat slide - choke and screw controls

    Chuggability - that's the word. Interesting about the combustion metal surface conditions and the WW2 planes with water injection and your XR's results. I think the F1 cars used water injection in the late 80s turbo era to permit usage of higher boost - maybe related to this topic too. The...
  5. numroe


    Try some washers as spacers in the bolt mount on top of the muffler. To move the muffler posn more left. Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but your shock is upside down. I'd not be surprised if you get zero dampening with it upside down. Like having a spring but no shock. The shaft should always...
  6. numroe


    Dunno exactly, but I can tell a related experience. My Lifan 150 with 32mm exhaust, 43mm short muffler, and jetting on the rich side, was super loud. Too loud for my liking. Way too loud for a friend with a nice farm. Really deep sound which traveled long distances. Some might like that. I...
  7. numroe

    OKO 26 flat slide - choke and screw controls

    I put a little TM-VC in my SR, my KX450F and also my 7 yr old daughter's 70cc ducar. It made a difference in the 450 and 70, so I put it in the SR when new. I carefully sand/linish off all sharp edges before I drop the thing in any tank. Then no way it can chip plastic. No probs with the tin...
  8. numroe

    Bike starts but wont run.. fairly complicated .. read on

    No, not tried that. I'll look into it though. I've rubber weld taped the join between the cable and the pivoting metal thing in the slide cap. So I assume the water (and as you say, air) might be getting in via the join between the metal fitting and the slide cap alum casting. I tried...
  9. numroe

    OKO 26 flat slide - choke and screw controls

    Thanks for the confirmation. I am not excessively rich by your defn. Yes, Fuelstar TM-VC in the tank. Haven't taken it out since new. Maybe a fair bit to do with the good performance. Yes good oil and change it for every ride.
  10. numroe

    Bike starts but wont run.. fairly complicated .. read on

    My guess is much like the other guys who posted already: You stored your bike with some water in the carb float bowl. Water gets in there either via running down the throttle cable, or leaking in the joint with the throttle cable and slide cap (always happens to my OKO26), or it runs in the carb...
  11. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    hey kaneo, I notice you have a 39T rear sprocket on your Lifan 150. I assume you have the stock 15T front. To put the A1 cam into perspective for you, keep in mind that I have 16:39 sprocket gearing, but I can ride the slowest hair pin 180 deg, loamy, grippy rut turns in 2nd gear, and just use...
  12. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    YX vs Lifan 150: I've not ridden with a YX anything. But I've heard they are top end RPM power biased and I've ridden enough bikes over the years to have an idea on it. Generally speaking, power output needs is all relative! Relative to: target track or terrain, track/terrain conditions...
  13. numroe

    Pit Pro 140 2008 - is it real?

    What ever type of forks you have: *Remove the front wheel *Remove forks from clamps *Remove fork caps. *Inspect how spring is supported on the top end. *Reassemble with a metal tube spacer, on top of your spring, of same diam as the spring, and the length you think you will need to raise...
  14. numroe

    OKO 26 flat slide - choke and screw controls

    Excellent. Thanks Cactus! OK so poor cold start performance with the OKO26 flatslide (and similar carbs) seems like a fact of life. No probs. One thing I've noticed with the choke pull nob, is that when it is up/enabled the idle speed goes up a little but so does the exhaust loudness. It gets...
  15. numroe

    Mid-Size bikes are HOT!!! Why?

    I'm in your category. A 10+10" setup on a mini would be cool for some places, but no where that I can ride. Great thread. I agree with earlier remarks like "horses for courses", and "shagging in phone boxes". My big bike is a KX450F. I'm not a big fella at 5'9" and 73kg, but I find my MSO SR...
  16. numroe

    OKO 26 flat slide - choke and screw controls

    Cactus or anyone, I'm curious about a couple of things, and searching yielded too much and too little info if you know what I mean. Setup: OKO 26 flat slide carb. On a Lifan 150. Running fine. Well except for cold starts. Mainly wish to learn here. OKO26 mixture screw: AIR screw right? My...
  17. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    Yeah, that'd be me. :D But seriously, come on fellas. Use PM to abuse each other. Don't post here. Lifan 150 ignition: Yesterday I tried retarding the ignition. It did start easier, but ran noticeably worse. For sure it did not rev out as nicely under load, but worse was that is was no...
  18. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    Hey, I use that monkey butt powder. Mainly when I ride my 450 because it has a real firm seat on it. Good stuff! It's just talc I think. But I blast it down my crack and think I'm invincible. When I am contemplating a suspension g-out approaching a corner, I know my back sometimes feels the...
  19. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    Dumped the oil out of my Lifan 150 today. Fully warmed up. Not a large amount of metal in my filter or on the magnet. Hooray! I really should have an hour meter, but dont. So this is my 5th drain. Or 6th if counting the run-in batch of good oil. I usually do about 2 or 3 hrs after each oil...
  20. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    Interesting. My jetting is just slightly rich all the way thru as well. But I change the main jet as reqd (leaner if real warm and/or humid). For starting I get best results with 1/4 throttle open and holding it there. I have to click up/open the OKO "pseudo choke" when cold, but it seems a fine...