Ok, i have a stock pitpro 125 cc with a lifan engine., been very happy with it, lots of grunt, no breakages of anything, BUT..
Now i have boggled over this for a few days checked what i know which is little and i still have no idea.
So this is the situation:
Got home from a big ride, hosed down carfully and wiped clean. Put away, pulled it out a few days later tryed to start it. Struggled a bit to start but got it with the choke on, ran the choke for a bit which was fine but when i let it off the engine normally stays running but kind of chokes along, sometimes cuts out. Especially when i put it into gear it struggles more and when i go to move off in first it splurts chokes and cuts out on the spot. (not a happy bike i conluded)
Checked fuel got plenty, checked to make sure fuel flow is open, checked motor cut switch, checked oil, all seems fine but wont run off choke.. Now i leave this question open to anyone why wont it run?
My guess was a gear box allignment issue but i really know little apart from the general areas. So all and any suggestions would be appreciated.
EDIT: After reading up on a cleaning thread which i should have done earlier i didnt put a bag over the air intake even though it is well covered up so water may have got in to the carburetor (<spelt wrong i know) Not sure what this may do but its a hint.
Now i have boggled over this for a few days checked what i know which is little and i still have no idea.
So this is the situation:
Got home from a big ride, hosed down carfully and wiped clean. Put away, pulled it out a few days later tryed to start it. Struggled a bit to start but got it with the choke on, ran the choke for a bit which was fine but when i let it off the engine normally stays running but kind of chokes along, sometimes cuts out. Especially when i put it into gear it struggles more and when i go to move off in first it splurts chokes and cuts out on the spot. (not a happy bike i conluded)
Checked fuel got plenty, checked to make sure fuel flow is open, checked motor cut switch, checked oil, all seems fine but wont run off choke.. Now i leave this question open to anyone why wont it run?
My guess was a gear box allignment issue but i really know little apart from the general areas. So all and any suggestions would be appreciated.
EDIT: After reading up on a cleaning thread which i should have done earlier i didnt put a bag over the air intake even though it is well covered up so water may have got in to the carburetor (<spelt wrong i know) Not sure what this may do but its a hint.
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