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  1. numroe

    whats the better 150 engine

    Those Daytona 150 gear ratios look a bit weird: 1st to 2nd = 0.82 = very nice assuming 0.8 is ideal for a 4 spd MX box. 2nd to 3rd = 0.65 = way way too wide a gap for MX. 3rd to 4th = 0.69 = way too wide. 3rd to 4th = 0.77 = ok. Published data: Gear ratio : 18/67 (3.18), 13/34...
  2. numroe

    lifan wont spark

    You are using a new spark plug right? Double check what you did on the flywheel side. You said not run for 4 yrs, so I assume you've put fresh fuel in the tank, and taken the bowl off the carb and cleaned/checked the bowl pickup and the jets. Always kick from TDC. Some carbs like a little...
  3. numroe

    Sealing a crack

    Alum metal putty (most brands) is your answer. They are usually epoxy glues with metal stuff in it. Actually the real answer is you will need to lay the bike over so the oil inside flows away, then clean the oil off the outside with some metho or brake cleaner etc. Then putty up the hole. If you...
  4. numroe

    So I want to buy a 150cc - ????

    I would highly recommend the Lifan 150. But put a decent carb on it, and jet it. Plus a good air filter. In stock trim, the Lifan 150 has a good mid rpm hit and strong enough top end. It spins up fast and blows away a stock Lifan 140. Change your oil often (use bike oil or best is diesel oil)...
  5. numroe

    Pit Pro 140 2008 - is it real?

    Re engine brand: If you are happy with how it runs, shifts and kick starts. Then either engine should be fine. I mean don't worry about it. The carb type and tuning is probably the biggest factor. Re forks bottoming. No screw adjustment is the proper fix. Even in "real" forks. As well as some...
  6. numroe

    how to remove the nut holding the oil slinger lifan engine

    SnitChy, For the puller tool on ebay, who was the seller, or what are the search keywords, or do you still know the item number? I tried a few searches. A magneto puller should be in my toolbox. Thanks in advance.
  7. numroe

    Hole In My Case

    Just curious, how do you do the upper case on every first letter? I've seen a few people do that. I mean their computer do it.
  8. numroe

    12" rear tyre size larger than 80/100?

    Thanks fellas, and thanks a lot Slick 50. Good info.
  9. numroe

    Sounds like metal crunching when kicking over

    Cool. Let him get a new one. Try talk him into a Lifan 150 if you can find and afford one. Really nice.
  10. numroe

    Oil ?

    pitmaster gave good advice. Don't get too hi tech about the oil choice. Simple rules: 1) Change it often. The clutch particle and metal contaminants cause more problems with oil flow than the oil getting old. I replace mine after about every 2 or 3 hrs. 2) Use 15w40 in the winter and most of...
  11. numroe

    how to remove the nut holding the oil slinger lifan engine

    Don't fret over the search thing bikeboy. Have fun. Lock the alum slinger on tight, but be careful to not hurt your main bearing or crack your alum case casting. ;)
  12. numroe

    Hole In My Case

    Post us a photo. Maybe you just hear the usual ringing sound from the alum bash plate resonating. If you bike is up on the stand and it still makes the noise, then it aint the bash plate. Also use 98 octane fuel. Minis dont use much fuel so just use the good stuff. If truly pinging, then it...
  13. numroe

    12" rear tyre size larger than 80/100?

    Thanks slick50. That's the kind of feedback I can use. I know what you mean, since my original Innova is the opposite being really narrow but still labeled as an 80mm wide tyre. I just checked out the Maxxis and IRC web sites. Again only, 80/100-12 size ratings and no actual/real size data. I...
  14. numroe

    12" rear tyre size larger than 80/100?

    I'm keen to know of a rear 12" mini MX track tyre which is wider than the usual 80/100. Ideas? I searched the Bridgestone and Michelin and Pirelli web sites, and all they sell are 80/100 in 12" rear tyres for mini MX. So anyone found a real "fatty" anywhere in any brand? A 12-90/100...
  15. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    Yeah good point. :o
  16. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    My only criticism of the Lifan 150 is something I've mentioned before and the same applies the 140 and probably other Lifans, and I know the YX is similar ... The wide ratio gear box is not ideal for MX track riding. Neglecting the stupid gap from 1st to 2nd (and neglecting 1st gear...
  17. numroe

    Lifan 150 diffs and pics

    Tested my Lifan 150 again today, with the A1 cam in it (and Akunar valves and springs). Dropped on the whole head off my 140 actually. Really nice engine now for what I am after! If you want to blast down fire trails or MX straights, or maybe ride groomed BMX tracks all day with near infinite...
  18. numroe

    did I bend my valve??

    Shoe lace. Interesting. Next time you need to stop your engine from turning, try 4th gear as mentioned, and then to lock the rear wheel, remove the rear brake disc, then put a strong metal rod thru the rear sprocket and across the swing arms with rag on each end so no scratching. Then the rear...
  19. numroe

    motovert hot up tips

    You never said what part of the bike you want to improve. Assuming the engine, I've no idea what any daytona 125 pumps out or what the good mods are. But you could search More than likely you want a serious big bore kit and a new head to go on it. If you want to do faster...
  20. numroe

    Lifan 150 oil level

    Yeah, maybe. I forgot to mention that poured oil over the rockers and cam lobes before fitting the other head. Plus it came straight off my 140 and was never fully dissassembled. Everything was pretty oily. I've not split a case yet on one of these engines, and I was wondering (if not oil...