i just got a 08 motovert pro the thing hammers but aint enough....could some one help me out on a few hot up tips where to start and what will do what.
You never said what part of the bike you want to improve. Assuming the engine, I've no idea what any daytona 125 pumps out or what the good mods are. But you could search
www.planetminis.com. More than likely you want a serious big bore kit and a new head to go on it.
If you want to do faster track laps, and/or clear bigger jumps, and not just hurl rocks out the back, then try tweaking your final drive gearing. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, just that it can make a huge diff and you never gave us any clues on where you are at with it. What sprocket to change (if at all) is up to you, your track and what RPM and gear choice you like. Cheap as chips to change too! I run 16:39 on a Lifan 150. Tall gearing and quite fast for a mini in 4th but it pulls 2nd in slow turns real easy.
Another cheap and simple idea is you try dropping a new Lifan 150 in there. It'll bolt straight in. Some other people will know how a Lifan 150 compares to a stock daytona 125, so you can think about. Maybe not such a stupid idea. My 150 with oko26 carb, generally has more go than the chassis can handle around typical tracks used by big bikes.
Other ideas:
1. Get a decent rear tyre. Assuming (by the web site pics that) your bike has the Innova on it. I swapped mine for a Pirelli MX scorp and on medium terrain the hook up is better to the point that it feels like a couple more HP.

2. Re oil your shock and forks after a light run in. Real good chance they work better with some hi-qual fluid after the run in. Then you can hold her open for longer in and out of corners.
3. Dial in your clickers and fork height and rear sag and rear spring. The usual stuff. Then once again just hold it open on the throttle for longer. Made a huge diff on the MSO-SR which has the same chassis as your bike. Personally I believe the old 95% rider and 5% bike slogan is a complete load of crap. Unless of course that 95% rider includes knowing how to set a bike up.

I can adjust my clickers or sag on my KX450F and as a result my average lap times can vary by 5 secs per minute, and my MSO is about the same. When any motor bike is dialed in for you and the track the fun just doubles. Ok ranting, sorry.