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  1. numroe

    1/4 throttle upgrade now what do i do to the carby

    In the tank is just premium petrol and a little TM-VC fuel conditioner from fuelstar. I'd recommend one (no commission unfortunately). Really good in terms of cleaner burn at lower RPM with jetting on the rich side. There is no "ratio" to consider. The vibration of your engine causes the tin...
  2. numroe

    need tips about orion apollo 125

    Yep! And after mud, besides the obvious air filter maintenance, it also means removing, cleaning and re-greasing the swing-arm and shock bolts. And removing and cleaning under the fork chrome wipers, and generally spraying all metal parts with Inox. ;)
  3. numroe

    need tips about orion apollo 125

    Yeah, I have to admit, I skipped step (13) on my daughter's $550 70cc atomik. And I replaced her stock blister makers with some softer Domino grips instead of SDGs. So that list was a bit full on. :)
  4. numroe

    TDRMOTO 140cc Big Wheel Reviews

    Wooaaah, check out the girl in the pic standing near the mini at PIMPIT INDUSTRIES CUSTOM PIT BIKES SYDNEY AUSTRALIA - BIKE SPARE PARTS. Damn shame it's such a small pic.
  5. numroe

    need tips about orion apollo 125

    Some options for you: 1) Air filter maintenance. Put a new filter on if the old one is weak. 2) Oil changes and a magnetic oil drain plug. 3) Keep it clean and oiled. Inox is unreal. Put it on your chain, control cables, foot peg pivots, spoke nipples, axles, and on other bare metal parts like...
  6. numroe

    New MSO 140sr Midsize

    My 140SR with approx half a liter of fuel (near empty) and ready to ride weighed in at 68.5kg. So say 68.0kg without fuel. Mine would be about 0.5kg lighter than stock due to the alum slinger and OKO vs Mikuni carb and taking into account my added air intake duct. My tyres should weigh about...
  7. numroe

    how to get more power

    I just weighed my MSO 140SR bike using digital hanging scales. 68.5kg with about half a liter of fuel. So say 68kg without fuel but otherwise ready to ride. I'm happy with that. Compared with a stock SR I dropped about 0.3 with the OKO26 flat slide versus the Mikuni 24mm, and about 0.6kg (by...
  8. numroe

    Lifan 140 with chewing gears

    Firstly I must say I do appreciate your advice and insight. some interesting things you just shared there. I assume you are accusing us of doing both kick starting and bump starting wrong. Well, maybe, but I don't (yet) believe so... With the stock cam's decomp mech in my engine (pre cam...
  9. numroe

    jet size conversion?

    Sorry, I just discovered that the search function on this forum is not the best. Here is that post:
  10. numroe

    how to get more power

    Hey I tried a carlsbad on my 450, and it was tough, but the grip was not that great or predictable. Maybe their mini tyre is different/better but I doubt it. Life is short, I'd suggest you just get the Scorp and try it. I think you'll be impressed. Once worn out you can put the carlsbad back on...
  11. numroe

    how to get more power

    I dunno if you are taking the piss out of me or serious. If taking the piss out of me then I can understand why and how I might sound. :) It does not look fancy at all. Well all SRs look pretty good. Mine is just well sorted out, but the diffs are mostly felt and not so much seen. What...
  12. numroe

    how to get more power

    Yeah traction helps. Last weekend I was on a lawn on my SR, new cam installed, sitting and opening the throttle floating the front wheel and I clearly recall thinking "hey this is a bit easy and cool!". Tues+Weds I am going riding again with my kids (school holidays) and some friends and I'll...
  13. numroe

    jet size conversion?

    In an older thread, Cactus wrote up a complete brand/size conversion table. Search for it. Handy to save it on your PC for reference - if you are rooting around with a carb.
  14. numroe

    1/4 throttle upgrade now what do i do to the carby

    What size engine is it? A summary of some things already mentioned (mostly by Cactus and Mack in older threads) on this topic which might help: Richer jetting. Snap to wide open to set the main. Snap to 3/4 for the needle. Inlet port: tidy from valve to carb, matched diams, long. Carb size...
  15. numroe

    how to get more power

    Straight arms, sit, and open it up. I'll try and get some video evidence. Maybe I used a tad of clutch. I'll have to take note of my clutch finger next time out. Keep in mind the A1 is a bottom end cam, and my carb works. The engine is very snappy. The bike and I don't weigh much. Also I dont...
  16. numroe

    how to get more power

    I dunno ... sitting on my seat with straight arms, my 140 "china" will power wheelie (front wheel steady at about 4" off the ground) for the whole rev range in 2nd gear no probs and again in 3rd with a little bar pull to begin it. But that's on grass. And that's only after I put the Akunar A1...
  17. numroe

    Lifan 140 with chewing gears

    Hey now, the above comment caught my attention! Can you or East-50s explain that one?? I mean, really, some 140s have diff starter gears or was that one a 138cc engine and not a 140? My Lifan 140 is about 6 months old and it's starter gear(s) will need replacing in the not too distant...
  18. numroe

    air intake snorkle

    The usual solution is that the front fender goes low enough to protect the radiators from your own front wheel roost. As for roost and rocks off bikes in front of you, the OEM solution is angled plastic grill plates. After market products include radiator protectors. I am not racing my SR, and...
  19. numroe

    which bike to get 140xr pit pro or mso 140sr

    Lot's of little things. eg: Re-greased head stem and rear susp, rim locks in both wheels, tensioned spokes, trimmed long spokes to protect inner tubes, loctite everything that needs it, fresh brake fluid, adjust front brake master cyl, correct len SS bolts on swing arm and shock ends, mudflap...
  20. numroe

    air intake snorkle

    Just did not have it on. I'd just refitted the shock after getting it re-oiled and gassed. I'd never ride without the flap to protect my shock. Good idea. I've thought about doing that. Last weekend I would only ride hard for about 20mins for fear of too much heat if I was doing low speed but...