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  1. Trashthumpy

    Is it cheap?

    there all the same mate....the cheaper they are the less quality they are
  2. Trashthumpy

    New site ???

    yep its a site alright, hasnt been around for long by the looks of it
  3. Trashthumpy

    check the new money pit

    and the fun begins......
  4. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    ah iv decided to go the whole hog and buy a Tb 143 big bore kit with race head, race cam, 26mm mikuni. Honda Trail Bikes should make it move along quite nicely
  5. Trashthumpy

    check the new money pit

    expect a massive head f$#k, i had a simular kind of buggy and it was a POS, but mine might ov been a lemon. good luck anyways
  6. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    iv had the klx for about a month and starting to mod it now, the mods so far are: fork springs I shock protapers high comp piston Red Barron tall seat and cover monster graphics high rev CDI
  7. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    you shure sidney?? does anyone know forsure?
  8. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    Minibike Outlet these are things im planning on getting any thoughts? clutch: Honda Trail Bikes KLX110/DRZ110 Manual Clutch Kit 4th gear: Honda Trail Bikes KLX110/DRZ110 Shift Drum - 4th Gear gear shifter: The anodized gun metal shifter features a hinged tip to prevent bending by...
  9. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    yeah i want the option of it being semi auto or being able to use the clutch
  10. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    Honda Trail Bikes KLX110/DRZ110 Manual Clutch Kit this one is sounding good any opinions??
  11. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    im still not shure on what set up to go with, i think id like to have the bike so it can be semi or manual. so what will i need to do this?
  12. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    yer i dunno sidney, could people post some links of some different clutches
  13. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    so a full manual hydro? is the way to go?
  14. Trashthumpy

    KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

    hey boys, finaly gettn off my arse and doing some mods to the klx im after a 4th gear drum and a manuel clutch kit, iv herd that with the normal cable clutch kits you can chose to use the clutch or use it as a semi auto wich would be handy. so where is the best place to buy from? Powersports...
  15. Trashthumpy

    Finish year 12 or not?

    im currently in year 11 and doing a VET course in automotive, i am currently seeking a apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic and acctualy having some luck. the way i figure it if you do year 12 it you have wasted a year that you coould of been doing th same thing and getting paid! (well most...
  16. Trashthumpy

    Rich or Lean?

    rich=black/oily lean=white/powdery oh and its a spark plug pro we aint runnen diesels.
  17. Trashthumpy

    ramp in tha making

    fu*&k this thread is old, yer i got some pics but from like 15f.... we took it out to 40 hittn it on big bikes was so fun. when i get my klx110 il go down for a sesh and take some piccies of some bigger stuff for ya's. oh i got a youtube clip ov me and a mate hittn it YouTube - hitt'n...
  18. Trashthumpy

    so.. your into RC's huh....

    the trailer is so sweet lovin it, just need a lil as pitty and ul be right
  19. Trashthumpy

    secondhand helmets??????

    ever heard of the story of the bloke who got a great deal on a second hand helmet that looked nice and clean? he took his nice helmet out for a days riding andafter awhile when he was all sweaty he noticed a red fluid dripping down his face, in his eyes and mouth, the gut wh owned it befor him...
  20. Trashthumpy

    HX Kingswood Ute project

    love the old kingswood utes man i just got my self a WB she is a beast, just clean it up and a paint job and some engine work and it will be sweet