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VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
no fixed aboud
hey fellas
i woke up this morning and thought the time has to buy myself a toy that i've been wantin to play with for a while
so i did

here it is

its a 4wd hyper 7 with a mac 28 engine
i duuno much bout these things but the dudes tell me she's pretty good

has anyone had dealings wth these cars what should i expect?



alright all you rc heads

why am i blowing plugs straight away

i cant work it out

the thing hasn't even started yet

mmmmmmm bloody things
Yes....I have 3 of the swines,they now sit on the shelf...The miss'us banned me from them,as they made me very ANGRY
i have recentley gotten out of rc's there really fun i did have a rex x pro you have your self a sweet car there. you are probley burning glow plugs because your leaving the glow starter on for to long or you car needs a bit of a tune but if it wont start take the glow warmer of for a couple of seconds and then try again.
i have recentley gotten out of rc's there really fun i did have a rex x pro you have your self a sweet car there. you are probley burning glow plugs because your leaving the glow starter on for to long or you car needs a bit of a tune but if it wont start take the glow warmer of for a couple of seconds and then try again.

thanks mate i reckon thats what i done
i'v eneva owned one before so it's all learning

but i've gotta get another plug now

but i dont know where to get them from as the hobbie shop is closed on sunday:( :(

so i might have to wait
ok you will need a nice tool box, cos you will start to purchase special tools, spares etc within the next month :) The hypers are a GREAT buggy. personally id suggest getting a decent temperature monitor, a decent set of allen keys(hobby grade) spare fuel line,spare air filter, various screws, c clips, body pins,cable ties, pliers, spare fuel filter, spare glow plugs(os8's are pretty standard) make sure once you start the bugger to run it in, similar idea to the pittys.. but more precise.. keep an eye on the exhaust as you want a nice stream of blue smoke (rich) while running it in(maybe 3-4 tanks at no more than half throttle or so) then you can start to lean it out and the fun REALLY begins!

id suggest in a fail safe also, and changing the 4aa batteries in the reciver pack to a 5cell hump. depending what servo it comes with for the steering a decent hi torque/speed one would be good. and a semi decent one for the throttle and break. Keep an eye on the mesh between the spur gear and cluth bell( a piece of folded paper between is a good mesh) locktight is still your friend!

will ad to the list as i think of more things but that should be a pretty good way to spend any change you had left over :D

keep us posted modee, Knox bmx track is pretty good for RC as is park orchards!
sweet as bro
thats for that
but i reckon i'll learn to drive first
before i hit the track ha

cant wait

hey how long do you need to heat the plug for
as i reckon thats what i did to this one (over cooked it)
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im about to head to belgrave sth.. i think i got a spare new os8 i can stick in my pocket if you want... (been ages since i fired up the sav. so im not going to need it soon)

PM me if you want to meet me someware.. tis yours.. free o charge :)
gota make sure u prime the fuel lines before sticking the glow starter on the plug.. ( a cople of tugs on the pull start with your finger over the exhaust usually works, u will see the fuel flow from the tank into the carb.) stick your glow starter on a quick few pulls and it SHOULD fire into life... if all is a ok that is... if not remove the glow starter asap (so u dont kill more plugs) and think for a bit.. what isnt right..

Australia's Own RC Portal is a GREAT place for RC tech and info.. ALOT of helpful guys there.
Dont be afraid of heading down to the bmx tracks its a great place to learn to drive, as are ovals and carparks(although c/p tend to wear offroad tyres out VERY quickly!)

98% of the time at knox or Park Orchards(occasionally kilsyth) there are RC'ers there, and will be more than willing to lend you a hand..

RC MadHouse is also a great place, they have a shop front now. check out their forum, see madman(nick) and tell him I sent ya.. should give u a funny look till he clicks 'oh yeh! foolsp33d!!-WTF is that bugger up to nowdays!!?" Great bunch of guys there!

addy is 1/3 Power Rd, Bayswater. ph: 9738 0212 fax: 9738 1645
sweet as
thanks mate

i just found rc mad

but will chevk out the other
i was not told about the prime thing so i might give that a werl ha

i'll se ya later
Just when we are on the topic, anyone know what brands R\C that are good? I kind of want one my self but I know very little about R\C's, I know I want a 1\8 size buggy. (need more toys)

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