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  1. Custom

    Whats wrong with my gears???

    could also just be the roller on the star cam has come off. had the same prob with my Ji-Pin (lifan knock off)
  2. Custom

    lifan 150cc dress up kits.

    all bar dipstick should fit going by the pic i found on google but the right side cover has fittings for an oil cooler. Cant make out the dipstick in the pic
  3. Custom

    lifan 150cc dress up kits.

    It should be easy to figure out what is going to fit just by looking at you engine
  4. Custom

    pw 50 mods

    do all the free power mods (port work, open up the exhaust, remove choke, etc) to the PW if you have the tools then decide if you want to keep going with that bike or upgrade
  5. Custom

    track building tips

    mxb_125 Pull your head in before i need to make this formal. I think its a good location for a track. Unit is right about using the terrain to his advantage and Franky read your siggy, who's the ****** here?
  6. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    Heres the engine mounts in Just a couple more frame braces to go and finish up the welds and foot peg brackets etc and its ready for paint (maybe) Cass38a: i'm moving the pegs to the "swing arm" and running either a linkage shifter or seperate up and down levers on the handlebars. Also been...
  7. Custom


    if its not pulling the lever you might have the wrong cable.
  8. Custom


    I might be able to help if you posted a pic or a more acurate description
  9. Custom


    For cracks use that 'quick steel' stuff from super cheap, works a treat. As for oils ive been running Silkolene 10/40 full synth in my bike for nigh on 10 months with no probs. BTW Bimrose oil is red, love to tell people that i use tranny fluid in the engine to make it go faster:p
  10. Custom

    First Bike

    im 6'3" and ride a Z50.....much more fun than a big bike :D [edit] and yes ive owned big bikes. the most memerable being my RMX250 but the Z is still more fun
  11. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    There will be a vid of the first test ride If i get axed i wana see it:P
  12. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    6hours later and a small amount of swearing this is how it sits Just gotta finish up the frame bracing and engine mounts, build the engine and adapt that sproket properly:P
  13. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    That bike has been sitting around for months waiting for me to get my arse into gear and buy a motor for it. So now its getting a 4 stroke:D First job was making sure i would be able to adapt a pitty sproket to the rear wheel Easy next up was test fitting a engine to see just how far i had...
  14. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    I was cruising around the shed the other day doing a clean up and rearrange to make room for Stacys (crazeemomma) new bike when i looked down and saw my pocket rocket sitting on a pile of tyres gathering dust So i shifted it to move the tyres and layed out all the parts i could find for it...
  15. Custom

    hey does any1 no what the fine is for ridin an illegal dirt bike on the goldie

    Dont do it. Gives us all a bad name
  16. Custom

    Custom Z50, Ongoing project

    for the rear you just need to make a different spacer, the front has to be matched to the forks in order to keed the wheel centered while keeping the drum locator stub in position
  17. Custom

    I'm Back

    Her name is Amelia Jayne. yeah settled into the new place alright and about to bugger off up north in 2 months:D Thanx all
  18. Custom

    I'm Back

    Just a quick line to everyone to let you all know i am back and now father to a beautiful little girl :D. Look forward to catching up with everyone again
  19. Custom

    Who has their L's or P's???

    I'll make you all cry at this point:D. Been on my opens for over 4 years so i dodged all the BS laws but cant get a V8 or turbo as my g/f is still on her Ls:( Gota do the research to find the specifics on the new laws so i dont get her in to trouble lol. On a side not i still only have my...
  20. Custom

    Lifan 110cc wiring problem!!!

    thats right, im wired up for ignition only as i had to cut the starter motor mount off the case as it hit the frame