Who has their L's or P's???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2007
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adelaide hills
hi guys,

im board and wondering who has their L or P plates and what the rules are like in your state?

In SA you can get your L's when you turn 16 and get your P's when you have been on your L's for 6 months and done 50 hours of driving and done the VORT (vehical on road test) or CBT (compentcy based training).

i got my L's as soon as i turned 16 and i get my P's next thursday (20/3/08).
i cant wait to be able to drive everywere!! :D:D:D
yeh i got my l's its 120 hours in nsw 100 hours normal and 20 hours night time driving and you cant get your p's till 17 but you get your l's at 16
L's at 16 in tas and p's after 50 hours and when your 17. but those rules are changing soon
Car learners is 16. some states 16 1/2 bike license i belive is the same in all states Reqiured Age 18 and over and must have atleast P's in car license.
I got my L's when I only had to do 50 hours (30 fake hours logged) and you only have to be on them for 6 months or be 17. Im on my green P's now.... The lame powerful car laws came in just after I got my P's so If i get caught I pretty much get raped in the ass.
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bend over boy ,get prepaired lol

whens the turbo going on...??? or is it on
Well I have been slack lately. Im trying to convert it to turbo and convert it to a calais at the same time lol. VL turbo injectors finish in 1 hour and Im currently winning. Theres a vlt ecu finishing in a couple days so hopefully I get that. And I can get the intercooler whenever.... Then it should all be good to go. Dont think Im going to leave it on all the time but.. Take it off and put it back on every now and again when I feel like having fun. I just realized I have to be on my green P's for 2.5 years :( I only thought it was 1.5 years :(
I'm off my P's end of next month. I live in WA and getting my license was pretty easy. L's at 16. P's 17. My log book was (I think) 20 hours and the Log book is now up to (maybeh) 50hours in and someone said they are thinking of making it more than 100hours.

Three tests

First one you just answer questions about road laws which is piss easy.

Second is a practical test with a driving assessor and if you are not a tool it is also piss easy. Just drive like you have your granny in your car for a Sunday outing of tea and crumpets haha. I have had too many friends fail for running stop signs, speeding and just being **** drivers.

Log book then the last thing was a computer simulated test and all u have to do is press the space bar when you would overtake, slow down etc etc.

I passed everything first time. It's easier if you drive a van like I do because it’s almost impossible to speed which leaves you with a lot of time to think about what you are doing and not looking like a hoon hahaha. First time I got pulled over the first thing the ******* cop said was “I didn’t know vans could speed” then gave a weaselly chuckle. The fastest the van has ever been is 147kph and I know it seems slow which it is but come on its and 89 Mitsubishi L300. And yes it was an uber big hill. :D

Rant over
yo motoluver

ive got complete calais rear end that i may sell good condition calais lights,garnish,eye lids and boot strip i alkso have calais lower door moulds they are all original calais items not after market copies make a offer for the lot if interested PM me
hmm it seems im the only Vic boy here lol.
I got my L's asap after i turned 16. I have to have 120hrs logged in a gay book.
then i get my P's at 18 (just over 16 months away) with Massive restrictions. I hate vic road rules.

I need to go and live in SA for a bit lol, it's not that far away.
im 16 and i come from vic. i can get my L's now but i have no car to drive as my old man wont let me drive his.
wow, seems SA is the place to be, only have to have L's for 6 months, 50 hours, and very few restrictions for P platers! i guess i should probobly enjoy it while it lasts!:D
I'll make you all cry at this point:D. Been on my opens for over 4 years so i dodged all the BS laws but cant get a V8 or turbo as my g/f is still on her Ls:(
Gota do the research to find the specifics on the new laws so i dont get her in to trouble lol.
On a side not i still only have my motorcycle Ls:eek:
wow, seems SA is the place to be, only have to have L's for 6 months, 50 hours, and very few restrictions for P platers! i guess i should probobly enjoy it while it lasts!

especially for bikes! I can be riding a gixxer 1000 when im 17, too bad i cant afford it ahaha
I'll make you all cry at this point:D. Been on my opens for over 4 years so i dodged all the BS laws but cant get a V8 or turbo as my g/f is still on her Ls:(
Gota do the research to find the specifics on the new laws so i dont get her in to trouble lol.
On a side not i still only have my motorcycle Ls:eek:

yeah about 4 years on opens aswel, have car and bike opens tho
and missus got her p's and got it before the stupid laws so I can get anything :)
just need some more money.....

btw anon, vans can speed quite easily, you just have to put a different engine in them

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