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  1. thump*140


    Jesse does ur bike have the original batch carby cap, and have u ground out the throttle tube? If you have the "straight" carb cap then jump onto the OKO Australia website and get a "curved" carb cap, part #3050... Then get a round file and... Ah bugger it, I detailed all the problems with the...
  2. thump*140

    OKO 26mm carbie problems

    Good chance there is water in the slide after washing it.. Tis a pretty common problem with the okos, they're quite succeptible to water. Give it a day or so to dry out, and try again. Next time ur washing it, put a zip lock bag over the whole carb n filter, and put a bead of silicon around...
  3. thump*140

    OKO 26mm carbie problems

    Good chance there is water in the slide after washing it.. Tis a pretty common problem with the okos, they're quite succeptible to water. Give it a day or so to dry out, and try again. Next time ur washing it, put a zip lock bag over the whole carb n filter, and put a bead of silicon around...
  4. thump*140

    z160 clutch problem

    It's probably worth removing the clutch plates, cleaning them with petrol, then reinstalling, and a new gutful of oil. Have heard a few reports of 160HO motors with clutch basket castle nuts that come undone... So if the clutch was fine, and now isn't, may well be a loose castle nut...
  5. thump*140

    another 26mm OKO and 155z noob please help me !!

    Jr motorsports in china sell them. I'm pretty sure I've linked them in a thread about eBay pit bike suppliers. Might be in the tech section???
  6. thump*140

    Hydro Clutch??

    Yeah I've bled one of mine just for the sake of it, didn't have too many dramas, but yes, they'd benefit greatly from a proper bleed nipple. As for lever options, I use an ASV replica brake lever flipped over on mine, nice and stubby, and I'm yet to brake one, or snap the perch. Bit of duct tape...
  7. thump*140

    Hydro Clutch??

    Again I'm going to disagree. I've had mine for over two years, done a squillion hrs with it, never had to bleed it, never has fade problems being mounted on the engine, and all my riding is mx and track work. Been riding 28 years, ex state level mxer, so it's not like the bikes have an easy time...
  8. thump*140

    SA Riding Spots

    Guys do us a favour... i used to live in Burra, used to ride at worlds end.... then riding was banned there, and if the cops catch you, you WILL get charged and fined... they're blocking enough of that particular area/camping ground, so keep the bikes off it...
  9. thump*140

    Hydro Clutch??

    nah i'm gonna disagree with everyone on this one... i've run the hydraulic clutch on a few bikes now, one of which has been running without fault siince early 2008... so i can attest to their reliability... they will lighten the clutch pull, and when combined with an ASV brake lever flipped...
  10. thump*140

    Radiator Hoses

    well given that there is coolant running THROUGH the coolant lines, yes, if you take the old ones off, the coolant will come out... Best thing to do is drain the cooling system (there will be a small bolt on the water pump that has a brass or copper washer on it... that's the drain bolt....)...
  11. thump*140

    another 26mm OKO and 155z noob please help me !!

    yeah backfiring on deceleration is usually a lean pilot... try going to a 40 or 42, open up your air screw a tad, that will soon tell you which pilot is the winner...
  12. thump*140

    Which carby?

    I think Sean may have been referring to 92 jets for the mikuni 26, but i've had good results running an OKO 26 on a Zongshen 125 with standard ignition and pipe... so with an ORK and big bore pipe added, you'd get some pretty impressive results... I found the over run that the OKO supplied over...
  13. thump*140

    another 26mm OKO and 155z noob please help me !!

    Seano you talking about seeing a vid of my bike running with the 40 pilot?? the pilots i'm using are, i believe, from the Revmx kit.... so who knows how they compare to a size 40 Keihin... I tried basically every jet in my arsenal, and the 40 was the best of the lot... runs the same with and...
  14. thump*140

    another 26mm OKO and 155z noob please help me !!

    nah, it only seems to be the 155z that has needed the 40 pilot PBK... The 150 lifans and 160 yx's i've helped tune over this way have been happy on 36-38 pilots... but yeah, the 155z in the miniblitz was severely unhappy with anything smaller than a 40 pilot, was backfiring pretty badly on...
  15. thump*140

    another 26mm OKO and 155z noob please help me !!

    The 155 will actually be happier with a 40 pilot over the 36. 36 is a bit lean for this particular motor so i've found. Don't turf the oko for a mikuni, it's like taking a backwards step in evolution... I'm in Adelaide, have tuned "one or two" okos, if u want some help, pm me, can probably sort...
  16. thump*140

    T.I.T.S. Pitties - South Australia Pitbike tuning

    Ok kiddies, getting a lot of people in South Aus complaining about the fact barely any bike shops will touch pitbikes... I do... Thump140 - I Tune and Service Pitties.. heh heh... :P So any locals that want bikes serviced, tuition on bike maintenance, modifications or tuning done, send me...
  17. thump*140

    Bucks Days ideas

    first get the Buck really drunk. Then tie him to a stripper pole bare ass naked, pay several strippers to do very bad things to him, whilst shooting him with paint ball guns. be sure to take as many incriminating photos as possible, posting them on fb, photobucket, youtube, anything you can...
  18. thump*140

    how much quicker? z175 than z160

    externally, the bottom ends/gearboxes look the same. no idea if there are any differences internally.... If it's upgrades you're going for, i'd probably start with the 160HO, mod that up a bit, and go from there.... a 160 with a V2 head on it, will be quicker than a 175 by a long shot...
  19. thump*140

    how much quicker? z175 than z160

    Hey turbotobes, yeah i've ridden both motors in the Revmx, and found the only real noticeable difference is in the torque they put out. Quite simply, the 175 has a heap more punch down low compared to the 160.... That's not to say the 160 is gutless, far from it, but the 175 has a fair bit more...
  20. thump*140

    Dirtmax Quality

    either way, it's still an Epic Fail, ANY engine should last more than 10 hours.....