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yep, 1.5 is fine...

just check out the valve clearance thread from start to finish and you should have no worries
i read through that still dose not help the confidence but i will have to do it sooner or later so looks like tomorrow is the day for learning
I've been told over and over again that do your valve before trying to set your carbi!!
thanks for the help.

now on my bike the throttle is really heavy now i have cleaned the carby and oiled the throttle cable
but there is know diffrents any ideas what it could be
kinked cable or its badly routed on the bike..
does it just feel stiff or does it feel grindy as well

also just check that the throttle tube and grip isnt bottoming out on the bars
its just stiff
it might be from when i added the handle bar plugs ill go check that out
of course your throttle is probably fouling on something... would make sense

i nearly ate **** in a race cos of that.....also be careful if your going to glue your grips cos i also nearly died because of that
the throttle its sticking just off idle for a few seconds then it will die the throttle dont stick at any other place but the throttle is not stiff any more
Jesse does ur bike have the original batch carby cap, and have u ground out the throttle tube? If you have the "straight" carb cap then jump onto the OKO Australia website and get a "curved" carb cap, part #3050...
Then get a round file and... Ah bugger it, I detailed all the problems with the revmx, particularly the carb cap and throttle... Read my rexmx ttr155 review, it tells u how to fix any of the issues you've mentioned, jetting included
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thump thanks mate i missed the bit about the carby cab on your review just waiting on the curved carb cap
so are you saying the bikes takes a bit to drop down to a normal idle?

if so then this can be a classic case of bad pilot selection.. gotta luv em
yeah thats the one its got me f@#$ed was not doing last night it only started after i dropped the oil out
does it drop to idle if you flick the throttle quickly?

also how different is the air temp between day and night where you are...
maybe tuning it of a night time isnt helping the situation..
i dose some times but not every time
temp may drop to about 10 then i stop for the day but during the day its only about 12 to 15
i finally got my bike running sweet so today i got to go for a good ride and now iv decided it needs more power so i have been look at a few different things for the bike and one i have looked at was this

Classic Honda 50's Australia - TB 184cc Bore Kit, Race Head V2 and 28mm Carb Kit - GPX-YX160 [TBW9040]

- TB V2 Roller Rocker Race Head (Can Upgrade to a De-Comp Head)
- TB V2-2 Race Cam (Choice of S25 or S35 Grind)
- TB 64mm Alloy Ceramic Plated Alloy Cylinder
- TB 64mm Piston (Choice of Short or Long Skirt Piston)
- TB 64mm Top End Gasket Set
- TB Race Head Intake Kit (Choice of Front or Rear Facing Inlet Manifold)
- TB 28mm Performance Carb Kit (Choice of Short or Long Pod Air Filter)
what are some of your thoughts on it
ok i have a few more little problems i need help with.......
1.....rear brake has stopped working i have bled it and still no joy i have changed pads still no joy and now i am starting to think i might get a new one can anyone tell me where to get one thats going to fit.....
2.... front wheel bearings blow out today now thats a easy fix just waiting on them.....
3... can someone help me out and tell me how to replace the fork oil thats got me stamped thanks for the help

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