2011 Cagllari Daytona Cold Start

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Jul 7, 2011
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Rhode Island
Serengeti MOTORSPORTS Puma 200 Mini Bike 6.5 HP

Ok, so I recently (2 months ago) bought a Serengeti MOTORSPORTS Puma 200 Mini Bike 6.5 HP
I have a problem, well I've had MANY with this bike -___-

When I try and cold start the bike, when I haven't started it in a day or so. It won't start, I have to put gas under the spark plug and then it fires, do any of you have any idea what could be wrong?

I have the right oil:gas ratio

I have cleaned out my carb

I've cleaned the air filter
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if you want a tip. get a hairdryer or heat gun and heat up the barrel and manifold. this will be like starting it when its already warm. i do this with my bikes if i havent ridden them in a while and they start very quickly.

but go back to the pocket bike forum you were on. this is for a different kind of bike.
can you give a better link to it. it came up as a pocket bike. that link you gave only had the general page with about 30 bikes on it.
if you want a tip. get a hairdryer or heat gun and heat up the barrel and manifold. this will be like starting it when its already warm. i do this with my bikes if i havent ridden them in a while and they start very quickly.

but go back to the pocket bike forum you were on. this is for a different kind of bike.

Last i new, all members were welcome regardless of bike an size!!
Your engine is a 4-stroke, so no oil in the gas, right? You have the proper oil level in the crankcase? The engine is a Honda GX-clone and is likely jetted lean as heck. You are using the choke, right? The karters and minibike forums will likely have more relevant suggestions for jetting, but if you're using the choke, a twist of the idle mix screw should make it light better.

There are a million places that sell goodies for the GX200 and clones, as it's one of the most common spec-class kart engines and popular minibike OE and re-power choices.
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