Well-Known Member
Thread Closed
Stop posting Photos in this thread
We have the first 10
Stop posting Photos in this thread
We have the first 10
Well done to dabomb on winning DEC 50 of the month with 35 votes from 59 votes posted in total and over 1100 views on that last poll thread....
I'm sure there are a few more members wanting to have bragging rights to 50 of the month so this is for JAN, Post your pics in this thread and first 10 bikes will be posted into a poll that will end 31st DEC.
- Posting photos, dunno how ?
- You can either use this sites own system
- or use something like image shack, http://img85.imageshack.us/
- If you were in the last pole and think you have a real chance you can post again for the following month.
- Prevous months winner can not submit until a full month has past
- Limit of 10 bikes maybe 12 (dont want to many theres allways next month)
- Bikes that have not featured in the previous month will get preferance in the first 10 then if any spots are still up for grabs the guys with a second post wil be submited into the poll
- Pole will start as soon as i see 10 fresh bikes
- Pole will close 31 DEC
The prize you ask?
Bragging Rights for JAN 07
Bragging Rights for JAN 07
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