6073 foam pit.

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WC ST Killa
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Mundaring, WA
YouTube - 6073 pit

a little vid of the local boyz jumping the pit the first 4 mins is when i just moved the pit to the new house the end bit is what it is like currently
Wow hillz, jezz is a milf! :p No way would i let all those random kids ride and jump into MY foam pit, screw that.. they should get their own.
footage of me jumpin' hillz's 50 into the pit off the mini mini ramp coming soon just gotta find it....lol
foam pits sik as. Sunday; got heaps of air on da old ramp (WOOD) until it broke through. then we set up da quarter ramp (STEEL). hitting it a few times then kept moving it back. neway i went for it and over jumped, ending up head first into wall at bak. lots of pain in neck and back and blood comin from nose and mouth. Monday; Had to go get x-rays cos doc said i might have fractured my neck and if it doesnt stop hurtung by end of week, will have to get a cat-scan. still in heaps of pain tho.
will have the 50 footage soon.

that tin is nothing if you no your speed, you would have to be 3rd pinned to hit the roof off that ramp
he's cool just a girl... LMAO

gee abit harsh dont ya think lennen, but i've seen tha x-rays and nothing major showin' in them so he'll b good and back into it in a weeks time...oh and fiddy-nuts is Hillz's younger bro....
he's still not at work yet! you should call him jess...
just spoken 2 u about this, he told me he was going there 2 give allan the dr's note...if his not there i dont know where he is, his not my employee, u call him...
LOL dont u 2 have phones or carrier pigeons or some ****.

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