Yes we raced at Lakes. The track was mostly dry there.
Was a few bad injuries. Still waiting to hear whats happening to the 3 riders.
Hope they are all going ok in John Hunter. We all have our fingers crossed for yous.
info on the 3 riders
rider 1 guru (qld)
has a broken pelvis
rider 2 dave (qld)
has broken leg in 2 places still waiting for surgery
rider 3 **** (nsw)
big slice on leg from his handle bars not sure on progress but last heard
he was waiting on surgery too.
thats racing carlts. they all had the proper protective gear but sometimes these things happen. lets all hope they recover quickly and no long term damage.
Peto don't need surgery... just needs a bottle of rum and a big bandaid ha ha. Nar he needs a few stitchers but the hospital were taking for EVER and were planning to transfer guru last I heard. Guru wants to get on a plane to home today if doc says he is okay.