Hey guys,
just wondering if anyone has a chpmoto 175cc max hp engine or the pitpro 175cc, i got one a couple weeks ago to replace my lifan 140 in my motovert rx, man its got some power, i am running 17 39 gearing and still pulling power wheelies in 2nd gear, the box appears to be pretty close ratio as i am maxing out at 104k's in about 120-150mtrs, the lifan 140cc would hit 109k's but take much longer to get there also the engine tone indicated that i was not at max rpm's(the 140 didn't have enough power to rev to top rpm in final drive) but this new 175 sounds like it would grenade if held open, anyways i thought i would see if anyone has been running one for a while or has done any mods, whats reliability like etc.
just wondering if anyone has a chpmoto 175cc max hp engine or the pitpro 175cc, i got one a couple weeks ago to replace my lifan 140 in my motovert rx, man its got some power, i am running 17 39 gearing and still pulling power wheelies in 2nd gear, the box appears to be pretty close ratio as i am maxing out at 104k's in about 120-150mtrs, the lifan 140cc would hit 109k's but take much longer to get there also the engine tone indicated that i was not at max rpm's(the 140 didn't have enough power to rev to top rpm in final drive) but this new 175 sounds like it would grenade if held open, anyways i thought i would see if anyone has been running one for a while or has done any mods, whats reliability like etc.