Applying Sticker Kits

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
redlands -> southside brisbane
hi there folks.

just wondering if anyone know the best way to apply sticker kits to the plastics.. like a technique that will guarentee that i wont stuff it up...
there is no way to guarentee you won't stuff it up.... some people say to use soapy water.... i say just take care & peel off the front corner (the front point of the shroud)stick it on and slowly push the rest on as you peel of the rest bit by bit to get all the air bubbles out.
put some soapy water in a spray bottle and peel the backing off ur sticker then spray the soapy water on. Thne position ur sticker the way u want it and squeedgie the soapy water out
i say, slice the backing (adhesive side paper) through the middle and then place it where its need, then bull the backing away slowly while applying pressure using a cloth (towel or sock) to get the bubbles out. . . AND TAKE YOUR TIME!!!
buy the sticker kit with the plastics thats my advise

fricken sticker kits (kicks bike again)
hilllzzzz bite me

oi they look good from a distance (lets say 200 mtrs )

(kicks bike's again)
there not to bad lol i did zacs first right (thought id stuff his first then do mine good ) well did zacs his turned out filth and then i thought to easy ,did mine and guess what <<IT'S STUFFED lol serves me right for spreadin bad karma
theres plety of sites that have this like ringmaster images
anyhow this is how i stick mine on
1)clean plastics with metho soaked rag then allow drying time

2)cut backing paper into a few sections by peeling off little bits at a time and cutting with scissors then sticking the backing paper bck on

3)get some masking tape and place the graphic kit on the plastics without being stuck on ,then place some masking tape tabs on the corners etc of the graphics and plastics

4)every thing should be now lined up perfectly if not repeat last step

5)take masking tape tab of the first section where the 1st piece of backing paper has been cut

6)Stick that part of sticker kit on plastics and press bubbles out with a squeegee

7)continue that process so kit is properlly stuck on ,making sure all bubbles are pressed out with a squeegee

8)apply application spray to graphics to make em bind

9)get a heat gun or hairdryer and set on low and hold back around 15cm and go over so that you can feel the kit heat up a bit (this will make the adhesive stick like all hell)

10) press bubbles out again with squeegee while stickers are warm

11) use a scapel or sharp stanley knife to trim overhanging edges

12)allow 48 hours adhesive time without riding

hints : always remove plastics of bike before applying
Go to a signwriter place and buy a squeegee and application spray , make sure your hands are spotless while doing this ,take your time
better yet get UNIT_MX to come over and do it for ya

top description the unit could have done this a few weeks ago mate
here is the pic... was taking on my phone.. i will get some others during the week of the bike.... details of the kit

unit "angel" sticker kit..
comes with: front and rear mud guard stickers, and front fuel tank fenders.
