matey thats the ABG 29 modle same as orion ,yamoto and so on
i have the bike was my first
good bike to start with tho a lil hard to mod as there a copy of the KLX 110 so those parts should fit
youll need to change the bars right away as there way to small and get larger risers
i found the gearing way to short IE 17 front tooth and a 37 rear
i am yet to change this to a 16 41 probly be the same but i'll post a thread first about that
as for the over all of the bike the pretty good tho a lil to heavy as there a twinspar frame ,i jump mine np but front fork need the oil chaNGED out
as for bits that break well its a chinny import so where do u want me to start?
the levers are crap IE brake and clutch so need changeing out also
tyrs are fine for rippin it up
all in all not a bad pick but there are better but youll be happy im sure
search our forums and read up theres heaps of posts about them also
cheers and happy miniriding