wife and i went january last year.
had a great time too.
we may be heading back january next year,
scooters, tell me about it, lol.
click on the pic to get an idea of how many, non stop all day...
water bom was good too, we just missed the opening of the newest slide, the big drop in one, with the clear sections
i bought a couple of rolex watches too, one was $30au the other cost me $5au
my wife had a foot clean from the fish in the big tank at the shopping centre.
we bought a heap of clothes, and had a few sellers get upset at us for not offering them enough for stuff too.
we saw a scooter with a 2 stroke yamaha yz? motor in it, was pretty tough sounding.
he was showing off, had his mate on the back too. big revs waiting for the traffic lights.
took off, hit powerband and flipped it infront of 200 other scooter riders, lol
he scun his legs, arms, his mates backside, and arms. was a bit bloody.
a few other riders picked up his bike and another couple helped them up.
was a bit of drama added to our day.
we bought the latest videos for the kids, not released in aussie cinemas yet, 10 for $10
all good fun, we spent $1200 in 7 days, ate out most meals at restraunts etc.
was cheaper than we expected.
what area did you stay in?