bargain or not?

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atomik boy

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
near willowbank/rosewood qld
Looks pretty good dude, rekion you could handle the power tho?
hey atomik boy
its a sweet looking bike,but depending on what you want to do with it,most 2 strokes are now an 85 so if you want to race you need an 85,and in the current climate you can pickup an 2004 cr85 for around the same price if you have a look around,also the kawasaki 85 is good value for around the same price,honda also stopped making 80/85s in 2006 so genuine parts might be a problem in the not too distant future,but if you like it go for it,they are a relibale bike they still have the same engine in them that they first fitted in 1986
Wouldn't say that's a bargain. It seems it's been raced and you can pick up a new model for the same price. And ever since Honda stopped making 2smokers I have been a bit weary of buyin one.

Also don't take this the wrong way, but are you going to be able to keel up with regular maintance? They need rebuilds quiet often an cost a **** load more for parts and so on.

And yeah. You need to much sure you can handle the power. I was 9-10 when I got my cr80 and I seemed to cope ok. But I had been riding 2 strokes for a couple of years. There's nothing worse than looking like a ******** riding a bike with too much power for yourself
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Pretty much what hillz said, Ive seen 2000 model 125's sell for the same price.

Pretty sure you could get a newer one for around that sort of money
I bought my mates 06 cr85 the other month for 1000 bucks with reed block and a rebuild only 3 ridings hours old. cheerin!
yeah i would go with an 85 there is alot of difference in them the handling,pick up speed way quicker etc......
You should also take into consideration back up parts for it, take a Brand A for example, if you were to pick one up for a bargain and then went to do a rebuild it would cost you more in the long run than say getting Brand B for a decent price. Some brands are heaps more expensive when it comes to part backup so you might want to look into that too, thats why magazine reviews such as ADB has started taking this into consideration when reviewing new bikes.