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Hey guys ive confirmed it with dad and im definatley heading out tommorow... Ill be heading out to south morang... Hope its worth the $35.. will anyone else be there besides pj if he shows up:rolleyes: ... is there anymore piks?? and will there be racing there tommorow because i read that theres racing every second weekend??
not to sure what is on at sth tomorrow mate.. am planning on heading up there today to have a chat to the owner anyway.. so will enquire and post up..
If i get the chance tomorrow i'll head out again, and be the photo man for youz.. Sorry no more pics of the dirt track.. its not HUGE but its not small either.. there is enough there to keep you busy for a while!!

But if there is minimotard racing on then u will probably get side trakced and be watching and wanting to jump on the bitumen! lol
thanks foolsp33d.. just wondering if there racing on..will i not be able to ride or can i join in and are there any requirements?? it would be awsome if you could get out 2morrow... thanks in advance mate, cheers mark.
dunno bout the racing... you can try calling 'the track' and inquiring, darryl is the guy with the knowledge.. it might be a case of racing if enough people get there, otherwise its just bikes on the circuit when the kart customers are scarce...

basic req. helmet, catch cans(if you are motarding), slicks(obviously) preferably boots and gloves with some kind of body protection..

will endevour to get out there..
my daddy's lettin me its just a case of pj's daddy letting him come..lmao... u better show pj..:mad: ... ill be there at like 9:30 - 10:00
Hahaha you all have wierd parents, my dad would let me ride there on my pitty!! ;) And I live in Adelaide! :eek:
well idk bout any of your dads but my dad has a business to run, and i can only go riding when hes not working because he has a ute..and wont let my mum drive it..lmao, so thats why i have to get his confirmation.. so yer
Daniel40: its tomorrow man(sunday) I didnt get a chance to get out there today, so i got no idea if racing is on or what.. guess you will find out when ya get there..

Flarry: Id worry about your dads perception of "good parenting" if he let you ride a pit bike from adelaide to melbourne....

So many kids so little a ways of transporting their bikes.. lol. bet you are all hanging to turn the legal age and be able to get ya selfs around! lmao..
oh its tomorrow i thught it was today lol my bad