Building a track.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
adelaide hills, south australia
alright you guys i have seen many threads popping up for a while now asking about how to go about building a track. so i thought i might try to help with that.

setting up and designing

first of all what you need to do is go out and measure up your land that you have to use. once you have worked out what size block of land you have, what type of terrain/hills you have to work with, get out a peice of paper or the computer and start drawing it all out to be sort of semi scale (make sure you make it wide enough or it isnt nearly as fun when riding with mates). then once you have drawn it all out and are happy with it go out on your bike and ride it out where you have planned and make any modifictions needed.

preparing for building

once you have ridden it out and have a feel for where it is going, go out with a couple of cans of marking paint and mark out the boundries of the track. once you have got the track marked out if you can use a set of harrows or a light plow and run over the track so it is a bit turned up.

then once again if needed (or you just cant wait ride on it again) ride around it and make a final check of everything and make sure it all flows well. when it is exactly to you liking you can either leave it as it is as a flat track and go straight to the last step, or go to the next step about building jumps.

preparing and building jumps

once again for this it is probably best to have some marking out paint again. go out and mark out where you want the jumps, berms and whoops. then you can either go out with shovels and alot of mates or do the easier choice and hire a bobcat (best choice) or even a dingo (still alot easier than shovels). then pile the dirt to the height of your liking and pack it down very tight (also start with down ramps first so you are not trying to get between the landing and the take off while building)

final touches

line the edge of the track with tires or anything with you want to or have to use. this is not really a necessity but it can make i look really good.

also make sure you have a good water supply to keep the water up to your brand new track or else it will get very hard pack during summer and wont be nearly as fun to ride as a well prepared and loamy track.

heres some pics of my track

as you can tell i didnt put nearly as much effort into my track as i wrote in this tutorial but if you do what i wrote you will end up with a trick track.



feel free to add or comment on this tutorial. i hope it helps everyone wanting to build a new track.
thats pretty much what i've done except ride it out i marked every thing and put pickets were the jumps and all are going, whoops lol
Another little tip I was told.

Use the white line marker stuff in a spray can. The stuff they use to paint the white footy lines. $8 for a huge can from Bunnings. Made the whole job a lot easier rather than than using pickets. You can write the names of what jumps you want where with it as well. Doesn't wash off either. Only works well on grass though.
It looks like an alright track in the diagram, but not tight enough i don't reckon. Also 1 half of the track has jumps and the other half looks pretty boring..
also...make sure your mother isnt crazy and owns goats before tearing up the pasture:( maybe an institution will help me out...

it looks a bit too loose for my liking, but, hey, get a few mates and yeah...its gotta be fun...anyone want to be my friend?:p
nice i have wetlands out the back of my house when it rains i just go around in 4x4 and make tracks hahaha easyist way for my conditions i only have a few jumps 1 is over a lake dam kinda thing ill have pics um soon
Hears a the track i ride, mate made it he has 2, these photos are of it when the did got layed, very little shaping has been done, ill take new photos another day, track got jumps from 3m to 15meters and a few real nice berms :) soon to have a 2 shipping containers to used as a bridge




that is a mad looking track as well man VERY NICE . don't you love access to earth moving gear!
haha cheers its for big bikes tho :(. i still the only one who hits the jumps haha.

yeh the mate who owns is a earthmover and his boss is a champ comes over and lets him use the best machines around.
hey bilco we got to go n hit up that track on the 50s look like it could b fun on the mini bikes aswell
haha yeh i went there the otherday with the mini when they were building a bit more twas a bit fun :).

when jack gets his big bike we will be there almost all the time so come up one day for sure.

theres a on off there that is perfect size for a mini ahah. half the jumps there youd be able to clear on your fitty half throttle! haha

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