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thank you grand juntion police department grand countiey sheriff and colrado state potrole
is that the place that there was a few years ago? where 2 4wd's with a few bikes in a trailer were driving along and went into the water thinking it was like 1 meter deep and then like ppl knew that there was still bikes down there so they went with scuba equipment and tried 2 get the bikes out??
i had a friend that put together heaps of seatbelts that in the end had a length of 30 ft and they tried 2 get em out or was that ur bike and how did it get down there???
is that place in the vid Ocotillo Wells? If not, it looks similar.
no it is in grand junction colorado go to google an type grand junction then go to video and then go to the second pag about 1/2 way down you will see out riding in grand junction colorado click on it and watch. the # 78 guy is my friend and the step up is 135 ft and the dobble after is 200ft so get to watching.