ok thanks,
i googled wall pipe and couldnt find much about it...
do you have any pics by anychance?
thanks saga
lol, you need to do a longwaite for the search to work right....
i cant do it.. sags is refering to the thicknes of the pipe buddy... how thick or thin the pipe is... cut length wys and welded to the top/bottom of the frame...
sorry man yeah i meant wall as in thickness i think the pipe i used was around 3-4mm thick
Mate ur a legand
cheers I was searching frame auppot
frame reinforing and shiz like that
dude i think youd be bettert of just to buy a cheep crf50, buy the time you do all work and get parts you will hav problly spent more?
Just an idea, hav ya actully done some figures?
oh is a few more bracing points on frame ya can do as well, try find ya a pic