98 and 380 are sign's of dead electrics... providing they have been tested properly..
but yeah just buy all new stuff and be done with it..
the readings i compared his readings with, were from a link of yours which you quoted on another thread.
100 Ohms on the pickup
360 Ohms on the charge coil
do you realise these readings can vary between up to plus or minus 10% - 20% depending on ambient temperature ?
eg; on a warmer day you will get a higher reading than a cooler day
i dont understand how/why you would say the readings are a sign of dead electrics above??
in previous posts there were no readings at the cdi unit from the stator wirings' plug,
but the stator readings, from the plug on the stator loom to the stator were fine (going by links from yourself and other threads here on MR that i found)
i listed how to check the loom wiring between the stator plug and the cdi,
but im not sure if he checked them?
or if they were checked the results were not posted after he did?
im thinking, maybe the plug and socket and terminals were replaced? but a wire is broken inbetween?
very hard to diagnose if checks arent done
another thing, following on from loaces post
when the carb was replaced, was the fuel tank flushed well?
is there a fuel filter between the fuel tap and tank?
if no filter is fitted, maybe crud is blocking the fuel line to the tap
possibly a blocked needle/seat or you could have a blockage in the carby jets
have you undone the drain screw in the fuel bowl on the bottom of the carb to check you have fuel in there?