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id like to know the answers to those questions too FLICK
FLICK said:
But unfortunatly most Chinese bike sellers bend the truth a little...

Byrtus, if I buy a AGB-27 from you off ebay, how much of a refund will you give me if:

1. I put it on a dyno and find it doesn't produce the 8.5Kw you claim,

2. I find It doesn't have a max speed of 100+Kph as you claim. (with the gearing on the AGB-27's you sell, the engine would need to be reved to around 13,600rpm to get to 100kph)

3. I find it doesn't have an aluminium swingarm as you claim. (your pics show a steel swingarm, same as all AGB-27's)

4. I find it has a linkage swingarm when you claim it has a Non-linkage Swingarm. (your pics show a linkage swingarm, same as all AGB-27's)

5. I find it doesn't have the strongest frame as you claim. (I have a broken AGB-27 here, they are very poorly designed and built (+ there's pics on this forum of other broken AGB-27's))

6. I find other bikes don't have painted steel cylinder heads as you claim.

Sorry to bag you out Byrtus, but it seems very hypocritical of you to complain about others staining the reputation of Chinese bike sellers when you "appear" to be just as bad.

(Sorry for taking your thread a little off track Tony)

Firstly we dont claim to have an aluminium swingarm. We also dont say it has the strongest frame (we might say it has a strong frame). The top speed is dependant on a number of factors. All our figures and specifications are copied from what our manufacturer tells us (we obviously go over them but typically they are fairly accurate). Our claim of 100km/hr would be assuming ideal conditions with a very light load.

Regarding the frame, if you broke the frame we woud send you a replacement no charge asap. We are aware of this problem, We have plenty in stock and have sent them to our customers free of charge before, even when their warranty had long expired.

There is a very large difference between "bending the truth" and blatany lying to fetch higher prices or increase sales. Claiming your engine is a Loncin (considered a superior brand by many) when in reality its a ducar is not bending the truth. This is just not on, especially when its one of the main selling points of their bikes. This is a Huge difference to exaggerating the max speed or output of the bike
Byrtus_imports said:
Firstly we dont claim to have an aluminium swingarm. We also dont say it has the strongest frame (we might say it has a strong frame). The top speed is dependant on a number of factors.
I think you need to go read your ebay ads, here one to save you some time:

Here are some direct quotes from your above ebay item:
"Aluminium Rear Swing Arm Assembly"
"Our bikes have the strongest frames and use the highest quality components."

How can you claim "strongest frames" in your ads, yet here you say:
Regarding the frame... .....We are aware of this problem
Speed it directly dependant on engine revs.... to do 100kmh the engine would be reving at 13,600rpm (with the gearing on that bike), all these chinese bike use cdi units with rev limiters at 10,500rpm (I believe), are you claiming your bikes don't have this rev limiter, and can rev to 13,600rpm?? and survive??

You need to revise your ebay listings unless you wish to be accused of:
Byrtus_imports said:
blatany lying
A big part of Chinese motorbikes dont have a rev limitter in the CDI.ITs the enginese other inabilities that stop it revving to 13,000 +++RPM..

Im sure Mack can explain why...Calling MAck...
FLICK said:
I think you need to go read your ebay ads, here one to save you some time:

Here are some direct quotes from your above ebay item:
"Aluminium Rear Swing Arm Assembly"
"Our bikes have the strongest frames and use the highest quality components."

How can you claim "strongest frames" in your ads, yet here you say:

Speed it directly dependant on engine revs.... to do 100kmh the engine would be reving at 13,600rpm (with the gearing on that bike), all these chinese bike use cdi units with rev limiters at 10,500rpm (I believe), are you claiming your bikes don't have this rev limiter, and can rev to 13,600rpm?? and survive??

You need to revise your ebay listings unless you wish to be accused of:

Ok firstly I will apologise i was wrong about the aluminium swingarm, i will forward this onto our web designer to get that changed.

"Our bikes have the strongest frames and use the highest quality components." Back when we wrote this there were still alot of sellers selling other brand bikes, and not Apollo. This statement was in reference to them, and although the frame has been found to snap in some cases it is still probably stronger than other brands.

When you buy a mobile phone you can expect that you will never reach its quoted battery life, a car will very rarely reach its quoted milage, and if you put it on a dyno it most likely also wont reach its quoted power output. These tests are done to reflect ideal conditions and perhaps their equipment is calibrated in a way as to ensure the highest possible result. You might call this bending the truth, but it happens very often people make sure to read spec sheets with a grain of salt.

As I have said our quotes are direct from what our manufacturer tells us. We could put it on a dyno and test it once and for all, but at this stage we have more important things to do as a business.

However you have to agree, this is much different to advertising a bike with a supposedly superior engine only to find out it has just the "normal" Ducar in it. This is a selling point for them and the gentlemen no doubt paid a premium for it.
My main point was that the majority of Chinese bike makers/sellers claim whatever they think will sell bikes... (They must forget we have a Department of Fair Trading)

Sorry to have singled you out Byrtus but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I'll leave it at that as this isn't realy on the topic of Tony's Detonator...
No problem mate,

Its not just chinese sellers, lots of sellers claim things that perhaps might not be true to sell their products. But my main point is that there is a big difference between these marketing gimmicks and not actually receiving what you have paid for.

I shouldnt throw stones becuase i'm not perfect you are right, but neither is anyone else. If no one criticised this sort of behavior the seller would get away with it. We obviously can't have this happening. You criticised our auction and found that we have some wrong info listed, and will change it. If you hadn't told us who knows how much longer it wouldve taken to find out. Its about improving the industry as a whole.
Byrtus_imports said:
...Its not just chinese sellers, lots of sellers claim things that perhaps might not be true to sell their products.
It's called lying. If you do it, your known as a liar.

"but remember Jerry... It's not a lie, if you believe it!" - George Castanza
Byrtus_imports said:
i will forward this onto our web designer to get that changed.

... I see your still listing these bikes on eBay with all the same lies in the listing....

I guess this is a good indication of Byrtus Imports integrity, or lack of?
FLICK said:
... I see your still listing these bikes on eBay with all the same lies in the listing....

I guess this is a good indication of Byrtus Imports integrity, or lack of?

I feel sorry for anyone who buys one of these pieces of shit.

Strong frame, yet you have heaps of spare frames in stock - that's re-assuring.
Well well well it looks like the cans of worms are starting to appear, As for our Byrtus imports, mate you are fully aware of what you are doing and you are doing it to decieve the public who on the whole don't know much about these Chinese bikes, maybe we should have a link to forum-user voted shonkies so that newbies can instantly go to the list and walla there they are exposed for what they are,, friggin crooks. I'm happy that i have spoken 3 people out of dealing with Yamoto and I will be telling many more, everytime we talk to someone at the bike parks, a dad will come over and say, "whad ya think of it, and where did ya get it?? " and guess what I tell them,... I'm sure I will enlighten many others.
What these fly by nights don't realise is that eventually it catches up with them.
I am still looking for pissed off Yamoto owners to contact me and add to the already growing list of class actionees... On the whole the bike is an honest Chinese bike, you pay $1000 and you get $1000 worth of bike, I'm not totally unhappy with the bike itself but i am angry on letting an Ebay Thumpstar go with genuine Lifan engine for less money than what i payed, and more warranty only because the shonky lied...
hahah what do you think that changing a website can be done in a few minutes? We hire out a web designer he's not on call, I wouldve thought that it would be obvious that we'd have to wait for him to to have some time to go over our auction. Should be within the next week.... geez
I think the point is you should'nt have to change it, it should be true and correct information from the beginning or you are basically falsely advertising. Oh and you can laugh mate but remember the old word of mouth it catches up with you in the end, or if that does'nt the office of fair trading will....
I think it's better that it's kept for all to see, saves some poor bugger forking out $1000 for something that isn't all that it's made out to be.

Forget your web designer, who puts up the ad on eBay? You or him? It's not that hard to remove alloy swing arm from the HTML in the advertistment.
Ducar DJ 154FMI

i would appreciate some help in wiring my ducar 125cc, i have power from engine but do not know the wiring arrangement and if the CDI works. all help appreciated. i can give photos to help.
i would appreciate some help in wiring my ducar 125cc, i have power from engine but do not know the wiring arrangement and if the CDI works. all help appreciated. i can give photos to help.

mate this thread is over 4 years old