yep just checked again, it def unscrews anti clock wise which is the way you been trying...
and yeah ill have one of those castle fact if ya can get over to pick it up ill give you a complete ducar engine...that way youll have heaps of spares..
ok sean, if i **** it, ill hopefully get my bro to drive me up, im pretty sure its in gear atm, i droped the motor drop of the bike, was easyer to fix the smoking problem with the head,
ill wait about 30mins and try this freezing stuff and try again, if not ill hit it, how many times do i have to turn it untill it comes off??
After a few good smackers it should be able to come off with your fingers.. I don't think I have any thing on tomorrow. You'll have to put up with $h!t quality vid though (phone camera). I think mums getting a new camera tomorrow anyways so we'll see then.