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New Member
Jan 24, 2009
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hey all..
just joined up today! :)

i just have an easy question..

does anyone know the fines involved etc for riding dirt bikes in your local area such as bush if you get busted?

ive just bought a pitpro 110cc and wanna get use to the bike before i start going to tracks, and have no car licence atm so i cant really drive anywhere?

thanks everyone.
where abouts are ya? in vic if you get fined you will get done for unlicensed rider and unregistered bike which tallys up to be around $906 unlicensed rider is the big fine which is over $550, but that is down in vic, may be different for other states, so the fine will be more than the bikes worth
im in qld..
i just thought would have got a fine for being in the bush..
not planning to ride on the street..

so if im unlicenced (car) i dont have a bike licence, and riding in the bush... im lookin at $$$$$?
its massive in NSW, Unregoed, Uninsured some cases Unlicensed can amount between anywhere of 800-1500 depending on the coppers mood.
yeah ive seen signs in conservation parks that say $2200 fine for riding.. so dont ride in conservation parks
my area isnt really like that.
its just a dead end street with a bush up the end and it has some tracks in it..
sooo looks like ill be looking at big dollars ay?...

might have to go to some tracks
unlicened $550
no rego is around $350

trust me the fines suck ive got done unrego unlicenced and no helmet 3 times and each time it cost me $1100

plus you can be hit up for what dabomb and flarry said
uninsured and parks

no matter what you ride and where you are it all equals big $$$$$ unfortunatly :(
unlicened $550
no rego is around $350

trust me the fines suck ive got done unrego unlicenced and no helmet 3 times and each time it cost me $1100

Hahaha obviously didnt learn the first 2 times.

Also I hear that in some parts of this country they can confiscate your bike until you pay the fines.

Private property or tracks are your best option unless you get rec reg and a bike licence.
well i was riding at the silverdome in launceston with a friend and the cops pulled up
and we did the bazza i rid up on a track into the bush and hid in some scrub lol and the other
guy rid up threw all these schools and up main roads and then went straight into my driveway
but the cops had followed him so rid of somewhere and i just walked my bike home which is like 1 km away and when i got home mum said the cops have came and they said you were riding on streets and **** :p mistaken identity the cops thought i was him
i rode to the petrol station with a mate, a ranger pulled up shortly after and told me to step away from the kickstarter lol

my mate lied about his name and i got off because i told the truth, just got a warning and that if i got caught again with in 6 months i would get a bigger fine.
so if you got caught riding unregistered in the bush but you have a bike license, would you lose points off your license?
and could any misbehavior on a bike affect your car license?

on the topic of getting busted, I just rode past the cops on my pitty going the other way down my street but they must have been on their way to maccas cuz they showed no intrest in me
so if you got caught riding unregistered in the bush but you have a bike license, would you lose points off your license?
and could any misbehavior on a bike affect your car license?

to my understanding yes it will, loose license on bike means u loose ur car license too, kind means u loose the privilege of being on the road.

and my mate tells me that if you stay on ur moto L's and u loose ur bike licence it wont effect ur car license cause u don't have demerits on your L's.

im not sure about it could someone clear that up? this is in NSW.
i got done unregisterd,Uninsured,Fail to stop, i tryed to get away but the cops ride drz400's in wagga so its not easy to get away from them on a mini bike i give it a good go but i had to go to court got $1000 fine and i now have no license to 2010 so if you ask me i say find some where you will not get in the **** with the cops or ranger.
and my mate tells me that if you stay on ur moto L's and u loose ur bike licence it wont effect ur car license cause u don't have demerits on your L's.

im not sure about it could someone clear that up? this is in NSW.

Thats interesting.

I know things like wearing no helmet will cause you to loose demerit points on your car licence which I find a bit weird.
wen i almost got busted they told me its a $1500 on the spot fine and adds up for no propper jersey, pants, boots, unlicenced, underage, not rego'd etc
big fine watch out
it depends were u get caught,
if the council catch ya its around $180
if da cops catch ya its two fines ,
unreg vehicle
+riding on public roads $1100.i think
but they gotta catch u first...ha,ha

ride on grasshopper
go big..............................
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