Fixing pit bikes survey

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Oct 17, 2009
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hello all, im matthew and im new here.
can you please have a look at this survey
i would like to know what your looking for infomation wise.
thankyou , matthew
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hello all, im matthew and im new here.
can you please have a look at this survey
i would like to know what your looking for infomation wise.
thankyou , matthew
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no its not spam, i am asking what you would like to know, i am going to wright an ebook on fixing bikes, i want to know what areas i need to cover.
no its not spam, i am asking what you would like to know, i am going to wright an ebook on fixing bikes, i want to know what areas i need to cover.
ok fair enough just looks like spam I went to fill in the "survey" and there's only one question. hardly a survey if you ask me, plus you post the same thing in 2 sections.

You'd have better luck making a thread asking us what we'd like to see in it I'm sure you'd get a good response and we could discuss it etc.
Then ask the question in a standard thread like this, without a link to a third party "survey" page.
I too would be happy to answer any questions here but will not be going into an unknown survey site.
There is no point and people here can already see what has been requested.
Just reeks of dodginess.
Then ask the question in a standard thread like this, without a link to a third party "survey" page.
I too would be happy to answer any questions here but will not be going into an unknown survey site.
There is no point and people here can already see what has been requested.
Just reeks of dodginess.

*repost/copied from the other thread*
my question is, if you are in a position to write a book on a subject, why are you unaware of what needs to go into said book??
The tech, how-to and tutorials cover more than anyone needs to know about fixing pit bikes..
Skylar the Grammar Nazi strikes again....
perhaps Skylar, his book is on an uneven keel, and it needs putting back onto the correct angle so it floats properly? He may be a shipWRIGHT, who wants to expand into the literary world? No?... ;)

Sounds like a good case of Plagiarism Bomb bout to go Boom...

*runs off to copyright his Tech and How-To threads*...
ok i deleated the link, can i get ya ideas on what most important?
im not spaming, that **** pisses me off.
the e book will be around 80-90 ish pages, i already have few ideas but need to know what you guys on here need.
btw dvdrip, there is a new survey, where you can rate things, answer a few questions too. cheers
OK, link removed.
this is not spam any way.
Skylar: why can't i spell write?

OK, yes i do know about pit bikes, pocket bikes, engine repairs ect., and I'm fairly hand with tools too. BUT i want to know what specific areas YOU need to be covered, on the new survey i have stated if you answer it(and you information is constructive) and helpful, i will send you a free copy of the e book when its complete,
thump*140: do you mean i am plagiarising?
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Skylar: why can't i spell write?

Because that's not how you spelt it before!

no its not spam, i am asking what you would like to know, i am going to wright an ebook on fixing bikes, i want to know what areas i need to cover.

thump*140: do you mean i am plagiarising?

That could be a possibility and due to your question, alot of people want to know all. Also your lack of grammer, capitals and abundance of commas in your posts.
Here would be a prime example....

no its not spam, i am asking what you would like to know, i am going to wright an ebook on fixing bikes, i want to know what areas i need to cover.

I believe i have said enough.......
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I wanted to make a thread like this but when I resreached that thread would've been booldy long. Thus meaning your book will be 150-200 pages maybe more. You'ld have to cover absolutely everything for people who might want a book as such. A few examples.

Engine; problems associated:
-gear selector
-broken gears

ect ect

You'll then have to explain every step in who to fix it. E.G:
Problem gearbox:
1)take head and barrel/cylindar off
2) RHS casing (clutch casing(then go through step by step))
3)splitting the casings.

Every step will have to be covered, every solution needs to be covered, every problem associated with a part needs to be cover. EVERYTHING needs to be covered. I'm not going to go into detail or I'll be here all night but it will be a big thick book. The diagrames will also have to have some sort of captions.

By the way I'm not the best speller and I'm not the best with grammmer but if you write a book you'll need to learn how to use proper garmmer and how to spell.

Don't get me wrong I think it would be a good idea for people that don't now how to do any thing on a bike and it'll be easyily acessible. Do it if you want but I think you need to look into it more ;)

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