New Member
Went over to a freinds place and checked out his orange JD lawn tractor and while I was there I noticed this sitting next to a fence and I asked him "Hey whatcha gonna do with that thing?" and he said he wasent gonna do anything with it and if I wanted to I can take it home with me. So he handed me the key and I loaded it up in the truck. I dont know anything about it other that the motor does turn and has compression. It hasent been rode much just sat outside forever. It has electric start and a very very small battery. The gas tank has a locking cap that is stuck so that needs to be fixed before I can try and start it. The mileometer or hour meter (I'm not sure what it is) says 000963 and the 3 is on a white reel. It also has disk brakes on front and rear and a horn. Has a 4 speed transmission too. I dont know what company made it but the engine has a K F carb Standard of Japan. Anyway I guess I will try and get it runnin and maybe clean it up and keep it. Its pretty nice and has a pretty flashy paint job. Well heres some pics