Snaptrax has one on a buggy he's got laying about, it's the "crate" motor you could purchase from dhz a while back and it had a "race cam" and high Comp piston he's running 28mm molkt that isn't the best tuned to it, but 4 to 5 kicks starts and runs, this is without an air filter and also sits outside for months at a time, great motor from what I've seen,
If you can get ahold of a "gong yhu" xtreme 125 cr
5 engine you'd be surprised of how massive the valves are, they are rockets, too bad the crank went pop...
The gpxs are an awesome little motor,
I'm pretty sure there's 110 version too, thumpstar aus sell them, correct me if I'm wrong?
Strong cases and a six plate clutch, internal oil filter, can't go wrong with a little motor like that
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