HELP! no 2nd gear!!!??

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May 27, 2010
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Gday guys n girls! Im riding a braaap 140pro..its my first bike and im pretty stoked with it! Learing heaps n heaps every time i ride it. BUT!! one of my last rides i think i learnt the hard way. i could not kick the bike over for hours and hours no matter how long i waited/kicked/waited kicked/bump started/kicked..and so on! so i decided to hike the bike up a massive hill and try roll starting it in 2nd gear! MASSIVE mistake!! after getting to the bottom i hade made no progress what so ever so inspected the bike some more to find that the spark was jumping from the coil back to frame..hence why the bike would not i replaced the coil and spark plug lead and bang she finally kicked over.


It seems spending all that time rolling down the hill trying to bump start it in second has really efd up my 2nd gear.
ill descride as best as i can for all you tech heads out there..
first is normal..change to second..normal UNTILL i give it some throttle! a really grinding clunky sorta noise, slips back to first, and then seems back to second and the grinding noise..3rd and 4th are all completly normal..??
it seems second gear is absolutely spent and ripped to shreds? does this seem the obvious case and how hard is it to fix?
ive broken down the right hand cover and all kick start gears seem metal fillings and no missing teeth? how do i acces the gears and inspect the second gear?
any feedback would be awsome cause at this stage i have and open engine that im trying to keep dust out of! cheers guys!
hate to say it mate, but it sounds like you lunched second gear...
which means you will have to split the gearbox to get to it, and replace the gearset...
Bulldog did quite a good tutorial on splitting engines and gearboxes, so have a look through there... if it looks too scary, you might find an MR member near you than can help, or failing that, take it to a bike shop..
If the bike is still pretty new, get onto Brad from Braaaaaaaaap, Excuse me, he might be able to help you out. :D
[email protected] <--- brad. Which store did you get your bike from out of interest? and can you please let us know if you email brad how he helps you out! Thanks
cheers guys! yeh i thought that would be the case thump..devostated to say the least ha! Yeh i live in funky town and got the bike from brad in frankston when they first opened up here! love the joint as its the only thing close for us but the guys in there are way too young and in-experienced..not too mention when i was in there the other week they hadnt even a bike mechanic in there so im sorta screwed on that front till they get there arses into gear! The more you open then up the more you learn about them so i guess thats my only option at this point! thanks agian!!!
haha yeh i guess i just updated the test results for you all!! seriously tho..braaaps are a sweet bike this has been my only major hicup and its seems to be my own stupidity and in-experience that has caused it! all my mates ride motoverts and genuine thumpstars and the braaap has been far more reliable! that being said..we have never raced and only ever ride them on the trails in the bush! at the end of the day no one is ever going to turn cheap china custard into gold! the only ones gettin the gold are the companies cashing in on it!
ha ha braaapster im in franga too and i think we are both on the same page for franga braaap store. Oh well brads back in the country so hopefully he can help you out. good luck with it all.

Do you go to the wednesday night rides?? you should come to the parwan ride day this week end :D
hey rach nah never had the nuts to go for one of there ride days at the track its not really my scene? i prefer taking it out to tackle the hill climbs and long trail rides. I would nearly come to the ride day this weekend but no second gear is going to make that a bummer! hopefully i can sort this shamble out soon. where do you ride most of the time?
I can't imagine rolling down a hill in gear with the engine off eating a gear, in fact I've done this with more than one bike when I've had trouble starting... I remember at least once getting to the bottom of a hill before I realised the fuel tap was turned off :p
i ride in hastings, broadmeadows mx track, parwan mx track, franga mx track... umm mate has a farm in langwarrin and hopefully in the bush up near werribee soon. where do you ride in the bush??
this sounds like a job for..... CAPTAIN CAVEMAAAAAAAN.....
I mean DVDRIP... :(
yeh nice..yeh i ride at a few mates farm tracks we've built around here and up the bush around thompsons dam and lake glenmaggie/licola reigon..havent got rego but where we ride theres never a cop in sight! usually where ever we can take the boats for a wake..
ha ha yeah i can ask rip but his ready to knock someones block off coz of all the work i have given him... with the bikes... lol. but i can ask if he'll help out :) yeah braaapster dvdrip might help you out with the gears his better then most mechanics... i'll ask him tonight
yeh that would be sweet! otherwise i guess ill just take it apart myself and hope to hell i can get the fecker together again! unleeeesss brad and his A team of kidies have a better solution!
to be honest going from what you have described i think it would be easier and less of a headache to replace the engine.

only way to repair it an know it will be ok is to replace the complete gearset and/or a shift drum,
but by the sounds of it you have either damaged the 2nd gear dogs or the shift drum...

oh one other thing... does it kick start fine, lik eno abnormal noises or anything?
yeh well that is also on the cards..yeh kick starts fine..runs fine..def chewed the 2nd like a little teen chews his missus on a first date!

hey man also just saw that some one reckons your best to replace your engine.
best bet is to bring it in we will pull it down and see wats wrong before you make any decisions, and then the mechanics (LOL both older dudes) can sort you out, or you can do what you think is best.

shoot me an email and we will help you get going.

