Hey Guys!! I Dont Know??

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Active Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Hey guys!
Am new around here and hoping some one can enlighten me!! AHAHA
I own a 125cc Loncin, Goes great, Has big hairy Balls!!
BUT..while in neutral and running, if i let go of throttle bike will die. Was wondering if is just a simple cable problem or idle speed???
Also my throttle is really sloppy and loose, how do i fix??:confused:
try adjusting the idle screw to keep the revs up abit more,will most likely fix the problem.

dunno about the throttle but
cheers also when changing from neutral to 1st it jolts forward a bit, Wats the go with that???

mmmhmmm hard to say,you realy need to see or feel that jolt to sorta get an idea of what it could be.
do 3 things brother

adjust your valve clearances

adjust your idle speed

adjust you clutch

have fun
thanks guys!!
Way u All Ridin??
Any idea on some beef ups and where to purchurse??
hi guys!!!!!!!
i gots a little problem!!, bin doing up this malaguti 50, but cat seem to find any plastics for it!!! propper bummer as once done i can get my thumpstar 120!!! any help would be appreciated!!! taa!