Hillz's KLX110

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WC ST Killa
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Mundaring, WA

Basically stock, with pro tapers , peg mount & pegs
So you musta liked pecka's 110 lots n lots then hillz?.
same about the blue on it.
Nah the blue is good makes it a bit different to the other klx's, plus it matchs the YZ haha
thats watt i need for my collection 12" bike :)
O it has a two bros exhust but has a mass dent & I have to mod the muffler as it ain't sitting properly
Sweet thrasher. I drill the peg mounts holes bigger and full depth tap em to keep them from tearing out as easy. Midsize Mayhem:beerchug:
lol i have yamaha boost sticker kit at home custom to fit klx lol
Ive got a 50s brother hood graphic kit on my other klx style midsize that I'm going to put on this
took the lame home made foot peg bracket off


i only have 3 mounts :( one is snapped inside the motor
Econo-cradle? Case halves are cheap, but I fix em all the time. Oversize holes with full-depth threads helps a ton.
about a inch and a half longer ? ... do they need heavyer springs or they good to go straight away ?

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