how do i...

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your going to have to be more specific mate, i dont have any idea what your talking about.

if i were a smart ass i would have said something like "sit on the seat, then use a shovel" but if you can give us a little more info it would be appreciated champ. :)

Cheers, Tony.
try sitting on the fuel tank with the front brake on whilst reving the shit out of it in 2nd or 3rd lol
when i start off how do i spin up the ground and then go??? and off topic my bike squuzes
hold in the clutch and rev it. whilst the bike is reving in either 1st or 2nd just let go of the clutch, be careful though
hold it in 1st give it revs and drop the clutch, lean towards the front slightly for a better roost
i still don't under stand :confused: :confused:
what does he want to know how to spin the wheel? :rolleyes:
do u meen dig up the ground by doing a burnout?
ripping the grass up,spinning the back wheel

or do u meen how do to use a shovel to dig the ground up
i like the pointy shovels instead of the square shovels :)
and one other thing...

how do i clutch start it??
clutch start is easy

all you have to do is make sure petrol and everything is on like u are about to kick it over
then click it into 1st or 2nd then hold the clutch in and run next to the bike and jump on the bike and as soon as u land on the bike let the clutch out

and make sure u have the killswitch off that gets me all the time its so annoying lol
this is how i do a burnout (dig up the ground )

i roll slowly and hold the clutch in and have it in 1st or 2nd then sit on the fuel tank and hold the clutch and brake on at the same time then twist the throttle a fair bit and let the clutch out (keep ur hand on the front brake)
and put all your weight on the front of the bike
and gradually let the front break out while holding the throttle and u will slowly take off and ripping up a shit load of grass

hope that helped :)
ride along in a low gear i.e 1st, and sit as close to the handle bars as possible... when your riding along pull in the front brakes, u dont want it to do a stopie but just to get weight off the rear wheel, when u have pulled it in altinate and pull the throttle at the same time!....

i tend to do this on the road in 2nd or 3rd :)
as the guys / gals have said, sitting up close and dropping the clutch is one way to do this. this is a good method and great to start out on but what i have found is most effective is this.

1. begin to just roll the bike a little above idle (i find if i roll at idle i fall off haha) once again your idle may be different due to gearing etc etc.. anyway the main point is to just be crawling along.
2. shift your body forward so your chest is pretty much above your handle bars or above the foam protector to be more precise.
3. tilt your feet downward so your toes are pointing at a 45+ degree angle towards the ground.
4. now one way is to pull the clutch in, give it some gas an drop it, this will rip up fine and generally more than any other method but its also more erratic and can sometimes grab when you dont want it to, throwing the nose of the bike up and if you didnt expect it you will end up in a heap on the floor. the other way is to crawl as you were and just give it hell, pull full power on and this will be a smoother transition of power over dropping the clutch.

to explain the feet position in a little more detail, this is for control and control only, while doing a burnout such as one like this, i dont think your going to need to change gears of use the back brake so you have the ability to change your foot angle. when you have your feet like this is gives you much more control over a flat foot style. this is because if the bike begins to kick out to the left, simply kick back using your left leg and due to the spinning of the wheel and your weight distribution, it will slide back into line, visa versa, if it kicks right, push with your right leg and it will slide back into position.

if you want to drag your burnout ...out... for longer then as binky77 and a few other members said, hold the front brake as this will slow the bikes top speed down allowing you to continue, when your done ease out the brake and evenly distribute your body weight, dont throw your ass back on the seat and sort yourself out too quickly otherwise it may grab and throw you off the back.

hope i haven't missed anything or confused anyone. thanks for reading :D

Cheers, Tony.
just slowly turn a corner on gravel or grass and pull in the clutch get the revs up abit and let out the clucth about half way round the corner.dont go over board u can lose it pretty easy
to sum it up learn towards the front, get in a lower gear and drop the clutch
............ are you serious? spinning tyres is "childs play" which means even you should be able to do it. If you want to do a burnout, go to your mums laundry and get a bottle of bleach and pour a cup full onto the ground just infront of the rear wheel. then start your bike, roll the back wheel into the bleech, grab a fist full of front brake, keep all weight off the seat with both feet on ground. Release clutch, pretend your really riding it, and go thru the gears to get wheel speed up.................. SMOKEY SMOKEY MOFO !!!!!! YEEE HAAAAAA!

answer a question? if not, you've never ridden a bike before.......!?!!
hi ppl,

horde i have just go my first bike i want to learn stuff
best thing for you mate is trial and error. every rider is a little different, most bikes are slightly different, just having a different bar position can change a ride completly. i would say go out there and just try stuff but always keep your hand over the clutch just in case things start to get out of control :D

Cheers, Tony.

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