how do you clean your bike??

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all bikes have a lot of maintenaince if you actually really care bout your bike especially chinas and yes i agree with you DHZ140 i like them like that in a way because you do learn alot from them and also teaches you to enjoy maintaning and not make a nightmare...pitbikes have so many advantages to them
yeah thats the way i look at them.. some people might look other wise.. but i think even if you are going to ride bigger bikes you should start off with a pitbike, that way you can be ready for whatever your big bike throws at you when something happens:)
lol:) im finding im down grading on the size of bikes lately...

from a 90 to a 750 to a 650 and now a 125 again.... regos cheaper:)

i like big bikes but theres more fun to be had on the lil dakdaks:) and you dont need so much space to enjoy them or such a fat wallet to keep on enjoying them:)
HMMM i scrap all the mud of with my hands or a screwdriver:confused: works for me... air filter wash in warm sopy water, let it dry, oil it put back in and im done...

i don't know why yous all spend 2hours cleaning your bike, its a bike it likes to be dirty:D my does anyway...
well sometimes when i go riding it in the mud and believe me it needs more than a scrapping to get it looking like a bike again
yeah im with bulldog get the mudd off by hand or something hose it down, clean filter and some other things. wack it back in the shed and its ready to go. and if it was mud on it or no mud at all its still gonna look like a bike man .
mud, mud, gloriuos mud, nothing quite like riding your bike in the mud! so follow me follow me, down to the hollow, aand we can all wallow in glorious mud:)

only gunna get dirty again, so why bother?:p
/\ /\ /\ spot on there is nothing like riding your bike in a nice big puddle of mud
yer i was thinking of that export degreaser from autobarn ill give it ago.cheers
Thats the problem with all you youngens,no patience.Maybe im oldschool, but in my day we learnt to wash are bikes down on the way home from a ride, which is all part of the maintenance.That way you can find any little problems well before they turn into big problems out on the trails and leave you pushing your bike while your mates are all out ridin and havin fun.
i usually take my main plastics off (its alot easier to clean when you take them off), i take my airfilter off and tape over the hole, i tape over the muffler hole and give it a good spray with degreaser, leave it for a while then give it a good hose down, then i usually use the dust pan brush to get where the sponge cant.

after i wash i check nuts and bolts then it goes away until my next ride, it might sound like a long process but atleast when i ride it the next time i can be sure nothing will go wrong and it will last me a long time :)