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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
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Hey fellas, hows it hangin,lol.

Umm I was just wondering if you guys could give me any pointers on popping wheelies, Like what gear to start in and different techniques....

Your help would be very much appreciated. Cheers Mark.
hay mate, well the best person that could guide you here is stunt101, he is a god of the mono's on the piddys. how i do my monos is i start in first gear for slow monos and just roll past idle, then just give the throttle a good quick stab and let the front end come to you, i feel the back brake so i dont fall off the back of the bike. when she is up i usually try and find my spot on the throttle where i can hold the mono relativly consistantly just slightly changing the rpm when required. mono's will take alot of time and patience so keep your chin up and keep trying, it wont come overnight but you will get it eventually.

hopefully stunt101 can shed some more light on this for you and sort out any bugs in my style while he is at it :D..

Cheers, Tony.
hey mate,
how i do a whellie is very very simple i just put into first pull the clutch out near until u start moving then pull it back in, then rev it go high low high low when u hit high again just let go of the clutch u may stall it but just tinker around wif wat i have said u wont do a huge mono but u will lift the front wheel abit

For a mini bike you should'nt really need to use the clutch for wheelie's, ecspecaily when you r learning it will flip up on you much easier, just sit at the back of the seat "but not on the guard" and just get the revs to hit as you are lifting like shit with your arms while trying to keep equal pressure on the foot pegs so you don't lean to the side, then once you can pull it up start being friends with your back break! then you can start pulln it up high and catch the wheelie with the brake. start off in second gear and as the skillz increase you will be able to do them in any gear
hopefully stunt101 can shed some more light on this for you and sort out any bugs in my style while he is at it :D..

Cheers, Tony.

you seem to have a good idea of what it's about bonesy, try adding my suggested seat position with a higher gear.

but it's mainly about practice "trial & error"
Yeah like stunt says ....cover ya back brake, once you get that down you can bring it back from flipping and your distance will increase as well.
i will hit any jump i see an do it pretty well but for the life of me i cant pop a decent mono on my yz's or pitty i can lift the front wheel easy an keep it up for a second or two but then it comes down so can you explain to me what you mean about playing with the back brake an how do you lean your body on it do you lean a little back or do stay straight
i think those are my two problems the brake to keep it at one speed an balance
on a crf its different without a clutch but on my dhz
i start in 1st then hold the clutch in then give it a bit of throttle then let the clutch out and it just lifts up then wen you go to change gears give it a tad more throttle so it lifts the bike back more so it doesnt smash back onto the gorund wen u pull the clutch in.
then just do that through the gears
try draging your feet using them as a brake keep the bike in a low gear 1st or 2nd depends on the bike and just keep praticing what kind of bike you got if its a four stroke pitty this should work fine and once youve got use 2 balance point u can learn brake control just keep it slow and keep at it.



and since were showing off photos
Im gonna give this a go tomorrow! I've been dead envious about guys who do this!!
I tend to do my wheelies in first mainly because i like balance wheelies with very little speed, ive run rather high gearing tho so first is pritty quick compaired to stock.,

To get the bike up i start off rolling along just above idle back off and as the bikes weight shifts to the front i give the throttle some gas and lift the front with very little pulling with my arms. Back brakes will make is easyer but i havn't had rear brakes for over a year and i can pull first gear wheelies for like 40m+ its all about balance and practis ..

brakes are for pussy's , if you need brakes your obviously not in control :D



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when you guys say use the back brake do you mean hold it soft so you stay at the same speed? or just tap it when you start to lean back to much???
when you guys say use the back brake do you mean hold it soft so you stay at the same speed? or just tap it when you start to lean back to much???

Brakes , why you need brakes ? If you wheelie without it you'l get alot better at balance.

But if you must know , you just ever so lightly ride the rear brake when you need to pull the front end down if you over do the rev's a bit. I jsut sit foward more and move my weight around as required, using your legs to help steer and balance if it starts to go pear shaped.
on a crf its different without a clutch but on my dhz
i start in 1st then hold the clutch in then give it a bit of throttle then let the clutch out and it just lifts up then wen you go to change gears give it a tad more throttle so it lifts the bike back more so it doesnt smash back onto the gorund wen u pull the clutch in.
then just do that through the gears

i had a 110cc 4 speed and never used the clutch for wheelies unless i was doing slow high pimp shit
brakes are for pussy's , if you need brakes your obviously not in control :D


LOL unless you r going down the road flat out on the back wheel standing on the seat or busting circles in the carpark!

but he has a good point, i'm try'n not to use my hand break in highchairs & seat standers & just use body weight
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yeah ok guys :eek: :eek:
But in my defence I learnt to cover the brake wheelstanding my yz 250 it had this habit of trying to spit you in top gear and it saved me from monkey butt more than once :D

But yeah guess it's not needed on the fiddy.So I'm just gunna go to the corner of the room with the tattered remains of my manhood and sulk for a while .:D
wow wow wee wow, NICEEEE!!! Ithink this the first time onr of my threads got two pages lol, new personal record And thanks for all the help guys!!!
I noticed with the smaller framed bikes like the agb21 it was a case of just shifting weight back on seat and gas and she was up

agb29 is a different case all together :)

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