yeah, scaphoid. i fractured that lol lucky as cos it takes like 8 weeks to heal ay?
umm, hmm 4 stitches in my head cos me mate through a massive rock at the "water next to me" when i was in a river but he missed the water
3 stitches in my middle finger cos i tried cutting a bottle cap with a stanly knife and it slipped. the blody doc made me stand up while getting the stitches.. lol
broken elbo, droped into a 6' bowl and the bloody bladers had waxed the coping so much i just went straight lol
fractured ankle from scooter (yes, used to be a scooter ***
) tried to bunny hop to stall on bike racks... diddnt go as planned
numerous groin, ankle, shoulder, next, hand, gut injury's from AFL. needless to say im too old for that now
jks just lost intrest
the normal moto injurys.. kick back on ya shins, peg cuts on the back of ya legs stacks. lol
umm, went on holidays down to vic to see family... well i used to love fire works.. and whats better then home made? lol well now i see its more fun and less pain to watch people set em off..
pacing powder into tubes, wraping tight as i could with 100 mile an hour tape, hmm and twisted one while taping it causing friction and a big kaboom in my gran parents loaunge room, smoke and tape and paper everywhere.. not to mention the blood on the floor under where i was working.
all i remember is running into the laundry for the sink
then remember getting xrays cos the doc thort i shattered my left index finger (luckily i diddnt)
then cam out of hospital that night with ony 4 stitches where the main impact hit, pree much blew that finger apart at the top (18 month on still next to no feeling in tha top of that finger) burns and blisters all over my left hand fingers and a burn on my eyelid that goes across where ya eyelids meet when closed. i musta had quick reactions a bit of buring something woulda landed in my eye.
now the morrel of my story is you most likely will do dumb **** till ya learn the hard way it will hurt.
oh, and the stupid school games.. blood nuckles.. lol, we had substitute teacher last week... now i still got cut nuckles