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only really bad grazes and **** winded the hell outa myself a few times a couple of knock outs 1 was just last week (hit a tree 3rd taped cracked the top of my helmet) and bad bruising i would say ive been pretty lucky
I haven't done much ay, split my elbow in half, broke a few ribs, random bones in my hands and feet, some stiches, and an exhaust burn across my back.. which healed really well :D
I think the only injuries ive done on a motorbike have been some broken ribs. Other injuries ive had are broken both wrists, tore my ear half off, broken all fingers and 1 thumb and i cant remember how many knuckles. Also broken nose twice, dislocated shoulder twice and done my knee once. I think thats all the major ones ive had
Sprained ligaments in ankle twice, few dislocated toes and fingers, Spleen and gall bladder removed!
Only a few cuts and bruises so far from riding and a bit of exhaust burn.
damaged right knee ligament, left shoulder ligament - both footy injuries
broken left wrist, big 3rd degree burns on my leg from exhaust, tore open my back(ridin without a shirt), knocked out several times, sprained ankle, jarred fingers an yer
:( and I'm now on crutches from showing off on a quad... where my muscles attatch at my hip, it's been pulled away and I pulled my knee outta place and it SUCKS!! If you have gear always wear it, coz I'd have a broken ankle on top of it if I wasn't!
broken thumb
2 broken fingers
Broken toes and 6 stiches in the webbing of my toe
strained back
dislocated shoulder
hyper extended knee
Internal bleeding after crashing and landing on end of handle bars
knees and wrists grind like crazy now
damn u all cant ride for **** XD

nuts are still tender...
Torn ligaments in ankle and knee and chipped ankle bone, not that bad but it was a ****** 6 weeks
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Many scrapes breaks and stitches over the years but the worst by far happened 8yrs back.
Compound fractures to both the radius and ulnar(is that how you spell it?)bones in left arm(elbow),resulting in a plate and 8 screws to the "ulnar?" and the radius was so badly shattered that I now have whats called a radial head replacement which is basically a titanium knuckle for the elbow joint to the upper arm bones.
My arm is still full of all the metal to this day pretty much because I don't want to have it removed because it will mean another year possibly off of riding to allow proper healing...bugger that!
ouch all this talkin about gettin hurt is making my arm feel sore lol..
yer thanks 50s bro hood for making this thread it made me feel alot better about myself...
i havent done to much to myself but enough to learn my way around the hostipal, LOL

broke arm X 2
dislocated knee
3 stiches lol
and ummm
yer that squishey thing inside my nogon...
Thought id bump up the ol' injuries thread with a few pics of my most recent injury. It happened about 6 months ago and has been giving me the ***** ever since. Its a perfect example of why you should always wear knee guards! If I had em on at the time then this would have been avoided. Anyway **** happens and it usually does so ya just gotta get over it and move on.

Within about an hour it swelled up enough that I couldnt really tell where my kneecap was or if it was even in the right place. It made walking very difficult and going to work the next day while trying to carry on like it wasnt that bad only made it worse and contributed to the swelling and bruising to the rest of my leg and foot.

About an hour or 2 after if happened



2 days later and you can see some of the multicolor bruising which spread from around my knee, up my thigh and right down to my foot


Back of my knee



reminds me of my knee when i dislocated it but it looks like yours went inside mine went outside

i dunno bout others but i reckin dislocates hurt the most.. i will make my list up later
broken in half skafod bone in my hand (not sure how to spell it:lol_hitting:).
my elbows has a big scars and a little one on the other side
a scar on my leg from caseing a double and hitting a rock and landing hard on my side knocked myself out.
exhaust burn on my other leg
yeah, scaphoid. i fractured that lol lucky as cos it takes like 8 weeks to heal ay?

umm, hmm 4 stitches in my head cos me mate through a massive rock at the "water next to me" when i was in a river but he missed the water:p

3 stitches in my middle finger cos i tried cutting a bottle cap with a stanly knife and it slipped. the blody doc made me stand up while getting the stitches.. lol

broken elbo, droped into a 6' bowl and the bloody bladers had waxed the coping so much i just went straight lol

fractured ankle from scooter (yes, used to be a scooter *** :p) tried to bunny hop to stall on bike racks... diddnt go as planned:p

numerous groin, ankle, shoulder, next, hand, gut injury's from AFL. needless to say im too old for that now:p jks just lost intrest

the normal moto injurys.. kick back on ya shins, peg cuts on the back of ya legs stacks. lol

umm, went on holidays down to vic to see family... well i used to love fire works.. and whats better then home made? lol well now i see its more fun and less pain to watch people set em off..
pacing powder into tubes, wraping tight as i could with 100 mile an hour tape, hmm and twisted one while taping it causing friction and a big kaboom in my gran parents loaunge room, smoke and tape and paper everywhere.. not to mention the blood on the floor under where i was working.
all i remember is running into the laundry for the sink
then remember getting xrays cos the doc thort i shattered my left index finger (luckily i diddnt)
then cam out of hospital that night with ony 4 stitches where the main impact hit, pree much blew that finger apart at the top (18 month on still next to no feeling in tha top of that finger) burns and blisters all over my left hand fingers and a burn on my eyelid that goes across where ya eyelids meet when closed. i musta had quick reactions a bit of buring something woulda landed in my eye.

now the morrel of my story is you most likely will do dumb **** till ya learn the hard way it will hurt.

oh, and the stupid school games.. blood nuckles.. lol, we had substitute teacher last week... now i still got cut nuckles :p

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