50s BRotherhood #1
Well-Known Member
allo allo every1,
i dont think any1 has started a thread on wat injuries they hav had so i thought i would start 1... i'll start off:
-5 BRoken wrists
-2 broken legs (1 was wen i was 2)
-many fingers as neally every1 has
-some bone in my foot
-many torn ligaments
-lots of damage tissue
-cracked growth plates... thank god my arms n legs still grow lol
-now worst of all which i hav just done is puntured scrotum n right testicle... bloody hurts alot .. had to wait 1/2 for the meat wagon.....but i hav been checkd out n i will b able to hav kids
thats all i can think of now so tell us ur injuries
cheerz tim
i dont think any1 has started a thread on wat injuries they hav had so i thought i would start 1... i'll start off:
-5 BRoken wrists
-2 broken legs (1 was wen i was 2)
-many fingers as neally every1 has
-some bone in my foot
-many torn ligaments
-lots of damage tissue
-cracked growth plates... thank god my arms n legs still grow lol
-now worst of all which i hav just done is puntured scrotum n right testicle... bloody hurts alot .. had to wait 1/2 for the meat wagon.....but i hav been checkd out n i will b able to hav kids
thats all i can think of now so tell us ur injuries
cheerz tim