Just what will I do ?

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New Member
Oct 5, 2007
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just what will i do

hey every one my name is beau and i have just registerd.....
i am very much onto pocket bikes but my bro's bike got me thinking..... he offerd his crap box like so crap my standerd air colled cag pocket bike is quicker he offed me 100 bucks 4 it.. when he bought it ($200 of bike thrashing mate) had a quick motor in it like it was hard to keep the front end down (my style :cool: ) but he changed the motor to a realy slow one because he sed the other was to powerfull for the frame.. the motor in it now is terrible and same as the shocks when u ride it it is underscribingley slow nice revs no power.. is this bike worth buying for 100 and throwing a bigger carbie on, also can i get a diffrent gear box to unleash some more hp..also i was think of buying a cheep but strong roling frame and buying motor gatherg preformance parts throwing them together and building a bike up that way what are you thorts on that.. cheers guy also sorry its such a long post..
Yeah if I were you mate I would make a custom build.

I don't think a motor can be too strong for a frame lol
opps sorry i accidentley posted this in the wrong thred.. yer i might have the custom build at my dad as a farther son project.. is there any places to get a decent ROLLING frame and what types/brands should i try and get (im only new to this!) and about what prices do the go for
also can some one please put this in the right thred as i dont want people flaming up about it !!
cheers beau
opps sorry i accidentley posted this in the wrong thred..

also can some one please put this in the right thred as i dont want people flaming up about it !!

cheers beau

Welcome Beaujob (colourfull name)

mate thats no problem moveing your thread for you,thats what Mods do.Also we dont FLAME on miniriders we help ,dont we guys ?.
I'd lovet to stay and chat but theres work to be done ,so enjoy your stay and feel free to PM me if you have any queries.

hey snitchy
thanks mate
and jayden what type of motor and how much
im just going to get my bro's for a bit of fun till i get my pocket bike sorted i will post pic's when i get some
cheers beau....

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