Kool looking sticker kits

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New Member
Jun 17, 2007
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hey every one im new i dont have a pit bike im geting one in like 3 weeks one of them dhz monster 140cc things and i was just wonderin i you could like just put up pictures of good looking sticker kits for pitbikes and where you can get them(my spellin and stuff sucks so just make out the words lol)
DHZ usually do them but i think they are all out. Look at Ringmaster images site they do some pretty cool ones or can custom make anything you want.:)
STAY away form dhz graphics their 100% fake one industries.Get some decent quality ones from eastcoast 50s ,oz50 ,chilli 50s etc they sell all the top quality stuff.
mine r real mate, monster energy, ther 100% mate, what makes u think der fake
there fake the dhz and changa ones ,GOTSPEED?. I know this because the genuine one industries ,n-style and factory effex graphics all have brown backing paper with green 3m writing and are printed in the usa ,the dhz ones have white backing paper with grey writing the same graphics but the genuine ones (Monster energy ,sobe etc) have brown backing paper and are much thicker (3mm i believe) .So if you have a dealer aobut and dont believe me go down check out the crf50 one industries 05 ,06 ,07 graphicsin the same models and clearly the have the brown backing paper.Also the genuine one industries and genuine graphics come in a proper sealed packet with all the advertising **** on it the fake ones dont and if they did wouldnt old mate dhz wanna show that off.But if thats not proof buy them and be disapointed knowing for an exta $20 you could of got the real deal i did this once and regret it still even though the bike got flogged.Also the only legit way that these grphics can be obtained by a dealer is through the australian distributor of one inustries , if thats still not enough check with one industries im sure they will have something to say.Not having a stab mate but its quite clear anyway ill get off me soap box now.cheers
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there fake the dhz and changa ones ,GOTSPEED?. I know this because the genuine one industries ,n-style and factory effex graphics all have brown backing paper with green 3m writing and are printed in the usa ,the dhz ones have white backing paper with grey writing the same graphics but the genuine ones (Monster energy ,sobe etc) have brown backing paper and are much thicker (3mm i believe) .So if you have a dealer aobut and dont believe me go down check out the crf50 one industries 05 ,06 ,07 graphicsin the same models and clearly the have the brown backing paper.

Hey man. The DHZ graphics etc are all 3m. They are not genuine but it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the fake and real.