Lifan 110 revving hard.

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2010
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I've got a CRF110 with a Lifan 110 engine in it.

I started up the bike during the week one night after work, and to my horror the bike almost kicks starts with almost zero effort and goes straight to work, revving it's little guts out. Really screaming like it's almost at 3/4 throttle.

Usually I'd assume if the bike hasn't been ridden for a few days and being air cooled, it would be a little groggy and take a few minutes to warm up. As it did the first few times I rode it.

Best case scenario would this be a case of the bike running better because of the constant work outs we're giving it, compared to the previous owner barely using it?

Or, could it be something to do with oil? As I heard they burn through a fair bit.

The only other factor could be, the bike took a spill last weekend, breaking the brake lever in the process, could it potentially be damage caused to the throttle?
Check the obvious thing that your throttle hasnt stuck on and make sure you have a little bit of freeplay in the throttle.
Check if there are any leaks in your carby, and make sure all you gaskets for it are in place. If any air is slipping into the carb it will rev hard, it happened on my pitty.
Dont know what else to try,
hope this helps.
as simple as this may seem mate, but it could possiby be damage to your throttle when you crashed. Or your throttle cable is catchin on something holding the throttle open. Or the throttle cable going into the top of the carb, isnt sitting in the top properly (which is stretching the line if you get me).

try these little things first, so that the easiest things can be eliminated first
as simple as this may seem mate, but it could possiby be damage to your throttle when you crashed. Or your throttle cable is catchin on something holding the throttle open. Or the throttle cable going into the top of the carb, isnt sitting in the top properly (which is stretching the line if you get me).

try these little things first, so that the easiest things can be eliminated first

Prior to starting it up. I adjusted the handle bars, moving them back closer to the rider.. I'll have a look see tomorrow.
Haha, I'm an idiot, a rookie mistake I guess.

When the handle bars were quite a bit forward, with the brake and throttle cables flapping around I had taped them together.

Then on deciding I wanted the handle bars closer to the rider, still being taped together, it was basically pulling on the throttle cable. As soon as I cut the tape, the throttle became looser and when started, it ran perfectly.


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