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Active Member
May 21, 2014
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HELP!!! i have a mini quad i have replaced basically everything like new throttle cable, new clutch, new piston kit, new gasket kit, new back wheel bearings, new carb, and still when i start it its trying to go on its own instead of just sitting ticking over :(
yes have done both, ive been told could be to do with the wiring being wrong is there any pics of how it should be wired?
anyone? need help asap :( even a picture of someones posted up showing which wire goes where would be so grateful
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there is only one wire that comes off the engine, it connects to the kill switch then back to an earth
have a look at the top of the carby,
is there a rubber boot where the cable enters the carby?
if so slide it up over the cable a bit and there might be an adjuster there too, back that off and see if it helps you.
Clutch adjustment? Is it doing it like this....this clutch was not adjusted and I had no kill switch hit first gear and it was off....and I was like oh dear think quick!! Adjusted the clutch and fitted the kill switch and it was fine after that, no more unexpected rides!!

Yeah, mine does the same, ours is a 125cc Elstar dinosaur..... I think we need a new carby for ours, as when u adjust the idle speed screw down it stops trying to run, but then it won't idle either.... Their doesn't seem to be any happy medium.

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Yeah, mine does the same, ours is a 125cc Elstar dinosaur..... I think we need a new carby for ours, as when u adjust the idle speed screw down it stops trying to run, but then it won't idle either.... Their doesn't seem to be any happy medium.

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Time for a thread jack, have you seen the new elstars Rikchick?? They look mint!!!

Elstar RFZ150 Elite S MiniCross Dirt bike YX engine [RFZ150] - $2,200.00 : Elstar Products, Factory-tuned Racing Motorbikes ATV (Quad Bikes), aftersale support, spare parts and accessories. An agent for Apollo motorbikes, Orion, Elstar Motorbikes Shi
Its a 2 stroke mini quad yes but it has an ignition also so theres 4 wires, how do i adjust the clutch? The carb is brand new
can you post a link for me, to show which type of quad it is please ?

the clutch on most 2 stroke quads isn't adjustable, it's centrifugal, so it only engages as the revs rise.

did you check that there isn't any adjustment on the top of the carby where the throttle cable goes in?
even a couple of pics of the quad/electrics may help?

is it electric start?

but the electrics wont make it idle high.


no its not electric start but has got an ignition its pull start

Yeah Stoozo, saw the new elstars, they look awesome, no money for one though :( can't help but look but!

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ok, i have played with a few of those quads
the ignition is internal,
all it has is a coil that is fired with the magnet in the flyweel, same principal as used in a lawnmower.

what was your answer about the adjustment on top of the carby ?

if you turn the top adjuster back into the carby top,
then back off the idle speed screw on the side of the carby the idle speed will drop
which wires go to which though? under the rubber bit its just a metal gold bit
so is it a threaded adjuster with a nut that locks it to the carby top
or is it just a tube sort of thing ?
can you post a pic of it ?