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ok so replaced engine with hole new one it now starts but still trying to go on its own :( any ideas anyone?
need more pics of the carby and some of the electrics too please, what switch's it has etc

you don't need to start another thread for the wiring, as it has nothing to do with the idle speed.
what else on carb do you want me to show? it only has the kill switch and ignition, some people i no have said the wiring could be to do with why its going on its own :confused-smiley-013
yes, a 2 stroke engine can't run properly/efficiently without a full exhaust.

when you say going on it's own, i don't really understand what you mean?
but, i have mentioned a couple of times now that the wiring/ignition doesn't affect the idle speed at all.

so if you let go of the bike once it has started, would it take off at full power ?

i cant tell you how to wire the quad up if i don't know what the switch's look like .

so does it have a 2 button on/off switch (small button for on, bigger button for off) ?

does it have an extra momentary on (spring loaded push button) kill switch ?

can you give me a clear photo of the wiring coming out of the engine cover behind the pull start ?
there should be a coil lead that connects to the spark plug and one other wire

can you give me a pic of the whole carby, i need to see how far out the idle speed screw is

and could you get me a pic of the carby with the air filter off, looking inside the carby.
i need to see what height the slide is sitting at with no throttle please

how much higher than normal is the idle speed ?
is it revving at full throttle basically ?
if it is, it could just be that the carby slide is sitting in the wrong way around.
wow thanks for your help, well my kill switch looks like this one


i will have to get the rest of the pictures tomorrow

also yes if i let go of the quad when started it would take of on its own

and the ignition is a key on, 1 turn for of 1 turn for on like this one


but only 2 wires coming from my one
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p.s the carb i got was a new one could the slide still be in wrong :confused-smiley-013
with that wiring set up, if it is wired up correctly it will start.
if it isn't then it won't start
they are a very simple setup for wiring on them

so with the new carby did you try adjusting the idle speed screw to lower the idle ?

i'm guessing the carby didn't come with a new throttle cable ?

if it didn't, and you have fitted it, then you could have refitted the slide back in the wrong way around, it is easily done.
i will take a couple of pics of my spare carby for you, showing what to look for exactly.
will post them up a little later this morning.
Righteo, it sounds to me like its still the throttle cable.

I'm assuming it's a stock cag carb, move the black rubber boot and wind the brass adjuster all the way down, red arrow:


Then go to the throttle and wind that adjuster all the way back so that the thottle has lots of freeplay:


Now I'm assuming it wont start because the idle will be too low, wind the idle screw in a little at a time and try to start it eventually the idle should be high enough to start with out taking off.
Yes its that carb i have adjusted the throttle and still nothing, its a thumb throttle cable how do i adjust that?
ok so here goes


the gold adjuster at the top of the carby


choke open


when closed


bottom of needle




ok so when i adjust the gold adjuster at top of carby it makes the black plastic thing move up and down, when i adjust the adjuster on the throttle cable it does nothing, the long slice in the black plastic bit is going to the side where the you turn the fuel on and of i also have a green wire a red connected to black coming from the kill switch, a black one coming from the coil and a green and black/white from ignition
Have you tried to find the idle screw yet? What rpms does it idle at? I think thats the problem....

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
yes idle screw is at the side when adjusted makes no difference at all
from your pics above i can see that the slide is sitting too high up from the bottom of the carby bore.

undo the idle speed screw until it is about to fall out, and leave it like that.
did the slide drop down when you did that ?

is there another adjuster for the throttle cable anywhere, part way up the cable maybe ?
if there is try winding it back in so it make's the slide move down in the carby
the slide needs to be sitting about 1mm or so off the bottom of the carbys' bore

also in your pics, i can see that the adjuster on the top of the carby can still be wound in a bit.
loosen the nut, wind the adjuster into the carby top as much as it can go, then lock up the lock nut and slide the rubber boot down over the lot.
yes the slide slid in when i put it in also i have now tighted the cable fully up, when the choke is open it sits idle sort of on its own but when i put the choke down it goes on its own
ok oil is leaking from the exhaust when it connects to the cylicdener head, could the be my problem if so how do i fix it?
what ratio are you mixing the Petrol/Oil to ?
eg how many mls of oil to how many litres petrol
50 to 1, i think the sealant was wrecked i have bought gasket sealant so hoping this sorts it