Minitard Track Day - Sunday 16th May 10am-3pm

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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we are on it babbybyy
Looking good! i wish my bike was running so i could go for a good ride :(

Set up the webcam? im keen to see some action
Mate, I hAd a killer time! So glad I went out. Thanks for organizing the event
Thanks Pete , was a top day well organized as usual , the zed boys had a great time , think they might be back for the nxt event , so ppl if you can make it , do it , well worth the effort
1) A big thanks to Pete for getting a day like today on it's legs - your a legend!
2) Thanks for all riders, spectators, camera men/women - everyone out there - it was yet another TOP $ day
3) Thanks to Tina and Ant for letting me ride there bikes. Ant, hope I didn't put to many scratches on it and Tina, hope I didn't damage the motor - If i have made any damage then let me know.

I'm now tired but tired with a big smile on my face :D

My flat mate is now in serious hunt for a bike - guess he enjoyed himself today ha ha:p
That was a totaly awsome day, thanks Pete again for all your work making these days happen.
Londin Ant said dont stress as there is no damage at all so all good, my bike is fine the problem was the decomp system once I took that off she was fine, was runing a little lean but all good I'll have her re jeted by next tard day. Glad everyone had a great day and we will see you all again for the next one.
I'm off for a hot bath now and then colapse in bed.
ok, this was an AWESOME DAY:D AAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!!!!! , and thanks everyone for making it soooo enjoyable!

i need to thank Pete and Ty for letting me have some rides of their bikes! THANKS!!! :D

now it starts.. 12 inch motard build lol, well.. this one wont take as long!:D

my goal is to have it done before the tard night! lol
Thanx heaps for a great day Pete! As Seano said, us Zeddy riders had a ball! See you guys at another one soon.
Yeah, loved watching the Zed's flying around the track, didn't look comfy at all ! haha... And the dude on the z50 was a mad man, thumbs up to you!:action-smiley-035:
no , no damage just the pride , thanks for that 1 kye , that made my day

go-z50 on the z50r was a madman , fast lil red zed