No offense mate, then you have no idea. It's not hard to simply click on a link. Maybe you have the right java combo or haven't installed a particular IE update but this site does not work correctly in IE. I can tell from viewing the source straight away. Some people will be lucky and not have it affect them but for the majority using IE, they will all experience these problems.
If I have some time and will look further into the code and point out the exact problem. Maybe the developers will take a look and fix it for us.
It's not the end of the world but it would just be nice if it was fixed.
hahaha... that grinds my gears aswell... People who say no offence and then just expect people not to take offence... Who the hell are you? Some freaking IT guru? You've been in IT 5 years ooohh look at me... If you been it IT 5 years and still havent caught onto the fact that firefox (or opera or chrome) rape the **** out of IE than all i can say is your an absolute douche, no offence.